
I was wondering, who was this supercut made for, anyway? Almost everyone watching already knows the backstory, and for the few that don't, it was probably a confusing mish-mash of characters.

You are indeed correct from a general perspective, but not a legal one. From Wikipedia:

Yes, but so is commentators spewing a bunch of bad-faith nonsense.

This. lol so wait why do some characters look entirely different and are played by different actors in some multiverses if other timelines only exist due to one choice being different etc.? The MCU multiverse is one of those ‘don’t think about it’ things. It doesn’t work.

 Shouldn't you be off somewhere whining about black people and girls?

Yeah, I can agree that it is a bit of a stretch. Ah, well.

The movie was turned into a Tom Cruise checklist. Tom Cruise runs a lot. Tom Cruise does his own outrageous stunt. Tom Cruise hooks up with a much younger actress. There may have been a mummy involved.

That is one of my biggest gripes about the last Jurassic World movie. The movie ends with a boatful of INGEN dinosaurs being freed by the protagonists, and allowed to escape into northern California, and we get this ominous voiceover from Jeff Goldblum saying “Oh no! Dinosaurs are loose! There’s nothing we can do to

Watched it last night for the first time since the Director’s Cut release and I’ll admit, I was impressed.

...doesn’t racism and sexism bring joy to people? I think you may want to add slightly more to your “topics worth considering” chart.

A nine-hour fantasy war movie.

If I had to guess, I suspect it’s to divert traffic from Twitch to other websites that can monetize the traffic. Like going into the crowd at Disney World and handing out flyers to the strip club down the street. Disney World doesn’t want you there. Everyone knows the strip club is there. But with large enough amount

Wireless tethering to PC on the Quest 2 is fantastic, assuming your PC is hardwired to the network and you have half-decent wifi. There is certainly some latency but its not much of a problem for adventure-style games... which are probably most of the games we’ll see on PSVR.

I hope Sony can figure out a wireless

Ultimately, yes. Because regardless of what these other yahoos are saying, if you’re using copyrighted material for ANY use without the permission of the owner then you’re violating copyright law. It doesn’t matter if you’re making money off the image or not. Copyright law doesn’t require money to change hands for

Beyond had a dedication before the end credits.

My favorite cameo ever.

Can’t they just hire the guy that did Flexo?

ah ah ah, my friend. Science crystals. 

This is one of the best summaries of 2000s-era Trek! It’s easy to forget that these shows don’t come out of the blue, but are constructed from then-current cultural processes and real-world production constraints (as was, frankly, TOS, for all of its ground-breaking efforts in many areas).

A draw might be prestigious if Karjakin wasn’t already an international grandmaster and one of the most recognizable and notable chess players in the world”