
I’m sorry that you have to write about this middle school shit.

So he didnt lose 3.5 million. The guy he sold it to didnt lose out on 2.5 million and as anything with this kind of money exchanging hands is handled with extreme CYA legally and will be sorted out.

I would love for him to just get fucked but yeah, despite his stupidity he probably has a case.

Yeah there are some massive missing pieces. Sounds like the whole thing is fake for clicks. You’re telling me this guy can’t afford a lawyer? And like you, I’m sure there was some sort of broker, and brokers have insurance for exactly this situation. If not, any lawyer with a pulse could get him every asset from that

Froskurinn comes from League of Legends eSports, which can be a pretty brutal gaming community. As such, I’ve had an opportunity to watch her over the years in her role as an analyst and caster. Let me be 100 percent clear: the moment G4 hired her, they took a big step away from their former culture.

I say that because

Yeah, I think re-vitilizing G4 was mostly for the branding. Like you mention, what they need to do is really put their foot down and speak out against this. It shouldnt be a “Frosk “ V them thing, it should definitely be “WE AT G4...” and take a hard stance. They will take the hit ratings/viewership wise, but I think

While I did think the same thing you did (I never thought there’d be a Star Trek show as super-queer as Discovery is), the author is probably saying Picard is light on queer rep as an individual show in the franchise. 

They probably wouldn’t have rehired Kevin Pereira, either. I wish I had all the allegations from his old Twitch channel saved somewhere, because to my recollection, he let some pretty ugly stuff transpire under his watch, turning a blind eye.

I hadn’t seen anyone mention it yet here in the comments, but the fact that Tech TV hosted a competition where viewers could vote on which of their hosts should pose in Playboy indicates that this structure was rotten long before the G4/Tech TV merger.

I wish you could have heard me scream with glee on this bus when I read that. That deserves some hard nerd cred. 

I hope that wasn’t their sole point of reference! Scotty’s shipmate didn’t make it! 😂

If I had a dollar for every time the transporter was unused when it should have been on Star Trek, I’d be rich.

Let’s be honest, connective tissue in between Marvel films has been loose at best for years. Tony Stark between Iron Man 3 and Avengers: Age of Ultron, Jane Foster getting nope’d out of the franchise between Thors, Wanda’s wild character development between ALL of the stuff she’s in- the MCU has always been about the

Someone is standing in a vast desert, and you’re telling them that the only reason they’re dying of thirst is that they haven’t bothered looking for water.

Maybe it’s the combination of the shape of my glasses and mask, but I find if I tuck the top of my mask just under the rims of my glasses, I avoid the fog issue (weather aside, of course).

Are there not ways to buy US prepaid credit cards using local currency?

All of this is spot on, plus one more thing:

This is so incredibly stupid that I actually made a fucking kinja account.

No, it looks pretty amazing from the buyer’s angle, too. The fact that I can know without a shadow of a doubt that an NFT was issued by a specific person, and that it could not have been changed or altered by anyone in between, is one of the big selling points of NFT and blockchain technology.

It’s just a list view of the existing Control Panel. Calling it “god mode” is a little over the top. It doesn’t “grant you” anything.