
Or the structure used by Valve, which as we all know is renowned for their transparency.

He added that Notorious Studios has a “flatter structure,” made up of people who wrote code, made art, and designed pieces of games rather than serving as leads or directors.

The best Bond film of all time is clearly Goldeneye.

In the video she asks the question, people in the crowd cheer and the men on the panel looks chastened. Then men in the audience start booing loudly and you can see the panel become emboldened to start openly making fun of her. There is a lessen here about the fact that the misogyny in the game industry is reinforced

I love it when people treat their personal opinion as universal and then double down over and over again. Lots of people can’t stand vanilla ice cream, I can find you dozens of essays on why it’s garbage, and yet it’s ALSO the most popular flavor in the United States and has been for many decades.

I would say that Spielberg makes movies that he wants to make and feels inspired by. He experienced tremendous flop movies and withering reviews decades ago (1941, Always) and came out the other end with huge subsequent successes. I really don’t think he worries about how his next movie is compared to his previous

Please, NO!

I get the impression that Tarantino really wants us to beg him not to retire. Is that what’s going on?

Yeah I think that’s reading a lot into it that just isn’t there.

[As producer watches rough cut of finale]

if you look downthread, I had thought I knew the extent of Franco’s misdeeds but did not, so I agree with you, from my perspective it’s too far to keep the privilege he’s had so far

The dude removed the plastic guards of women actors that were meant to protect them during sex scenes. Then he simulated oral sex with them. That’s not in the same area as making inappropriate remarks or patting fannies. That is endangering women (not to mention traumatizing them). Franco had a big film career and he

Zach Snyder is to the DCEU as Jared Leto is to the Joker, so deluded by their sense of own importance to the respective properties.

So “smart” organized zombies, with zombie cats, that run, though the bodies are dead and have been dead so eventually dry out in Vegas heat. but still have the flexibility to run. And a group of 8-10 people against 1000's of zombies. That are smart, and fast, and organized. To steal 200 million dollars “hidden” in a

Jesus, two years later and I’m never going to stop feeling vicariously embarrassed by people calling Captain Marvel’s 90 seconds of air force content that’s entirely about how they’re a bunch of misogynist pricks ‘military propaganda’.

Just like everything, the technology will go through rough patches, and then find a medium of balance.  Once it’s there we’ll then be able to look back at the early stuff and identify where it was used well, and where it wasn’t.

it’s a really great update of rear projection, and it’ll save a some money (after the MASSIVE startup costs) and give performers a better sense of ‘where they are’, a good new way of filming in some situations...but there are a shit ton of unrealistic expectations surrounding all this...and some very real problems

OK, I’ll take the “L” on this one. It was a dumb idea. Also, I don’t want to spend any more time defending the nitpickers on anything that reminds me of Television Without Pity

“Anakin, you left burned skin all over the couch again, and I have a date coming over. You could at least put a tarp over the cushions.

That’s the idea!