
For me, Star Trek has meant different things at different times in my life. For example, when I watched DS9 as a kid, I had a very different experience than my dad. For me, it was its moments of popcorn action that caught my attention. For my dad, it was the deeper story revolving around Sisko and his family life.

That’s something that’s underappreciated with franchises that span generations. The younger generation wants something OF THEIR OWN. It’s often cool to share the same thing as your dad, but, want some cool of your own that the grown ups don’t necessarily get.

or the water heater...

Weird that when she bought the house she was never shown the fuse box.

Scorsese makes incredible pulp. And a lot of people unhappy with Scorsese's comments seem to think his issues are with fun pulp lowbrow art but that isn't what he takes issue with really. It's the way things are collated and distributed and what effect that has on what films get made and promoted to large audiences.

I have to disagree with this article. I have unsubscribed to many spam emails and my amount of junk emails has decreased significantly.

I think Monica flew into the “bubble” on a SWORD copter but once you enter the bubble you are automatically rejiggered to conform to the reality Wanda is creating - so the helicopter turns into a toy, Monica becomes one of the townspeople - although her training and/or recent induction allows her to remember the real

Oh, absolutely- I never want to be THAT guy. I’ll clam up and 110% will not ruin it for her. She digs this show!

it’s a constant among certain Star Trek fans to hate the latest thing

[Jack] then exits the episode by deciding to catch up with Torchwood’s Gwen Cooper.

I thought that Sabin gave Bo Katan the darksaber in Rebels. Why couldn’t she take it from Din?

The Darksaber is still the dumbest fucking thing, though. And the loophole Gideon used to stop Bo-Katan from getting it was hilariously lame. Like, it only works if Bo-Katan believes in the restriction that it must be won in battle, but not like, a thumb war or a game of rock-paper-scissors or something.

His voice seemed... off which is odd as I guess that was the one part of the performance that wasn’t an effect.

Had the exact same thought. This is “Hey, that’s cool. We had no idea and are perfectly fine with it Disney please we love our jobs.”

Agree - honestly I assumed the whole point of the High Republic was to give novels and comics a sandbox to just do whatever they want without having to worry about stepping all over the timeline / plotting of the 15 different live action projects going on right now.

I dunno, it worked for me because Gabrielle had that little speech at the beginning saying, “It’s so cute that you think this is about facts and logic and reasoning, honey! Oh no no no. They’re all walking in with their minds closed, looking for an excuse to tell you to fuck right off, and nothing you say to them will

Congrats, your post supports the notion that “propaganda” was the exact correct word.

Did you just try to correct someone’s usage of a word without ever looking it up for yourself?

I agree that it’s a celebration of the brand and our time with it, but it is also 100% propaganda and great marketing. Marketing isn’t limited to ads, it encompasses everything from what products a company decides to make, to how people feel about a company. That feeling of “They gave me a free game!” plus all the

You took this fun article way too seriously. The propaganda is working!