
read “mumboiest of jumbo”; died.

Yes. That is exactly how it was. I wanted to stay on that bridge, so much. (Lieutenant, get these civilians out of here! I’m taking this station!
Sir, we have to get you home!
Lieutenant, I AM home!)
There was no one at the weapons station, and the Klingons were attacking. There was no way I wanted to leave the

Your contribution to this discussion is inspiring.

All of this.

Yeah, Blizzard used to be all about that mature Art, none of this PG-13 blockbuster edginess! I remember when I first started up Warcraft: Orcs & Humans - it was so Mature my beard grew an inch. And I hadn’t even hit puberty yet!

The fact isn’t ignored. We just don’t have a problem with that fact. Publishers/Developers must run their business in the best way they can in order to maintain profitability. They bare all the risk, and therefore are responsible to make the best decisions they can for their business.

I am fine with a

They are already the market leader and the majority of consumers already prefer to buy their games on Steam.

Let’s be real here, Gamers were never actually concerned about “exclusivity” because none of them mind the fact that pretty much every single place you buy a game from only gives you a Steam key, thus forcing you into the Steam ecosystem whether you want it or not. So unless the game is on Origin/Bethesda/GoG or

Because 5 is right out.

That’s some major tomfoolery there, that is.

Peter Schilling.

Heh, yeah Sonic’s windshield mono-eye never really made a ton of sense. I made a version of him inspired by Mickey Mouse, and it works a little better there. I kind of hope the final version for the movie ditches the giant goggle eyeball. 

The original design is so bad that professional animators and 3D designers are providing revised versions for free!

I read that Sega didn’t have any involvement with the movie other than licensing the Sonic characters.  Sega really should have more direct involvement with their licensing efforts.

I’ve been unable to log into kinja for a while so came back to a lot of info about Mexicoke! That’s really neat. 🙂 Thanks for the blind test link that’s really interesting!

My understanding was also that people were tasting a very small amount, so they preferred the taste without really considering that they’d be drinking it 12 ounces at a time. It was too sickeningly sweet to actually drink in any reasonable quantity. Like if you had me taste test a shot of tequila at a bar, I might

Business wars podcast covered this in their coke vs pepsi series, pretty good podcast for the most part.

Your ice cream -> water analogy is fantastic.

It’s like saying you prefer ice cream to water, then discovering that your kitchen sink now only dispenses ice cream.

It’s like saying you prefer ice cream to water, then discovering that your kitchen sink now only dispenses ice cream.

Yeah, I seem to remember hearing that one of the executives involved in the whole New Coke fiasco was asked about that theory, responding with something like “We’re not that dumb, and we’re not that smart.”