
Sure, but that’s a lot of “fucks” just in the trailer. If they come at that same rate in the film I’m not sure it won’t stick out like they’re trying too hard to be edgy (which is a hallmark of this series, but still).

It’s not a good sign that that joke already got old pretty fast in the trailer. If it’s in the film no doubt it will go on a lot longer.

I get that this movie is going to try to walk up to the edge of good taste (and probably dangle self-satisfyingly off it), but I reaaaally hated the “look lady, I’m not interested” joke in this trailer.

she feels frozen at the age when she got famous

The book for the musical [...] departs greatly from the film with a more cohesive storyline

Just a guess, but maybe because of a lack of time and money and audience interest and pre-production material and costumes and sets and post-production crew and guest cast and rights?

This seems like a bizarre attitude to me, like, “upgraded” effects require more than upscaling pixels or interpolating telesnaps. Someone has to make creative choices.

Yeah, she really thought she was going to become a big fish in theright-wing Hollywood” pond, but turns out that pond is no larger than a puddle and she’s still just an amoeba in it.

Yeah, it felt like a comedy smash cut when all the sudden the entire group and all their stuff was on the worm like they all just caught the bus.

One thing that really bugged me about both these movies, and the source material I guess, was how many scenes and ideas live in total isolation from each other.

Losing a showrunner like Roiland isn’t easy.

It’s much more likely that this story is a fabrication meant to cement the impression that the “product” is in unbelievably high demand. It might well be a popular thing, I don’t know or care, but read between the lines of his posts: this is naked hype, just as if he was pumping some crypto scam.

Yeah, you’re the target audience for this schlock.

This is the stupidest premise for a movie. Yes, the country is extremely “divided, but not in the way that it was in the 1860s, not in the way that would lead to even a deep red state (or a deep blue one) literally succeeding from the union and forming a new government.

“Ghosts UK” as they call it is also on Paramount+ now, since they’re airing it on CBS.

That’s a famous observation, but it’s not really true. The “loser/sadasack” comic archetype has a long and storied history in American sitcoms, which some of the most beloved characters are part of: George Costanza, Larry Sanders, Liz Lemon, Micheal Bluth, the entire cast of Taxi, etc. Meanwhile, the “loud brash

Okay, let’s not turn everything he ever did into some obvious clue to his insanity. “North West” is a very fun, cool name.

This still doesn’t describe a scam. You’re describing a disappointing product. One that cost less than dinner and a movie.

there are very real legal implications for overpromising something without being able to deliver once money has been exchanged...

Looks like a bad, boring game.