
They wouldn’t be the first company to make some money and then go out of business by selling lousy products to people who fell for obviously inflated marketing. They wouldn’t even be the 10,000th.

You’re still conflating “grossly underwhelming effort” with “deliberate scam.” By all accounts, everyone knew what this was at the time of release. The marketing was wildly puffed up, sure, but gamers here are being asked to be treated as babies.

From what I’ve seen, I think people started playing dumb about that at a certain point. No one should have been surprised by what it really was based on what was known at the time of release.

Yeah, that’s the joke.

This, “Fast X,” and “Dune” all did this super weird thing where they advertised themselves as “part one” in the wake of high profile two-parters like Avengers (and after a decade of “faux” multi-part films like Harry Potter, The Hobbit, and Twilight) but for some reason they didn’t shoot both parts at the same time,

overly sizeable” ?

Agreed. The only character that indistinct blob of a movie really did dirty was Wanda (and also Wong a little bit).

Does it mean anything? Maybe not

Can someone explain to me how this is a “scam” and not just a really bad product that didn’t live up to the marketing hype?

Really enjoying the walk back from “gamedevs are all fuckin’ uncool dorks” to “it’s all good, be yourself, we’re just havin’ fun here!”

The problem is that people rarely take the next step, which is to say “hey maybe ‘because I like it’ is not actually a good reason to objectify women in a game.”

1. Turn your fan off and wait for it to come to a complete stop.

I just hope they don’t undercut Sito Jaxa’s death in Lower Decks by revealing Locarno managed to save her

Also, it occurred to me that it would be an incredible storyline for Max to be in a coma for as long as five or six years before season 5 starts and she wakes up, perhaps setting off the main plot of the season.

Well, I suggested that it’s a problem, but a solvable one. It wouldn’t be the first cliffhanger to be undone due to production realities (or creative shifts). Making those final moments a vision that Will has wouldn’t be perfect, but it would be an interesting narrative conceit, especially when the thing he saw finally

Is that a problem?

Is that a problem?

I just mean the bit at the very very end where the Upside Down leaks into the real world. This sequence starts when Will reaches and touches the back of his neck, and lasts for 3 wordless minutes until the credits roll.

I know season 4 ended on a gonzo cliffhanger, but one of the weird problems of Stranger Things was that once-in-a-lifetime supernatural adventures keep happening over a condensed period of time. It’s the price they paid by not making the show as a one-and-done miniseries.

it will be a lot easier for new audiences to simply jump from season 6 to season 7 none-the-wiser