
The best thing Microsoft could do at this point is just respect that its customers will use a service that’s worth using.

Oh, I totally, 100% disagree. the ending of the episode made it so much worse.

I don’t get it. You’re not arguing with the critic’s point, so what are you trying to say?

This is a reference to the critically derided Godzilla movie from 1998

If Mando’s group of Mandalorians’ main belief is never to take off your helmet, the guiding principle of Bo’s group is that the Darksaber is power

So, this isn’t what it seems. A researcher told a text generator to generate text to say a specific thing, and the text generator generated that text. The AI didn’t have a motive or hatch a scheme. There was no emergent behavior here.

If that was true, people would be wishing for the “good old days” of VOY and ENT

...some sort of tactical officer.
...possibly some sort of navigator?
...presumably a science officer of some variety?

Fincher projects are enormously VFX heavy, it’s just a lot of compositing work rather than explosions and lasers. A prime component of Mindhunter’s larger budget was its VFX.

I have yet to see a performance in a Fincher film ... that was so good that it justified that kind of torturous work process.

We’re all hypocrites. If I’m going to be a hypocrite, I’d rather it be buying art

The first impression I get from this is that it’s extremely, transparently pathetic to want to be seen as cool and hip this badly.

I’m hoping for a Star Trek 4 purely on the basis that Beyond was very good for a Star Trek movie, which I wasn’t expecting because Into Darkness was awful and I had low expectations coming from a Fast & Furious director. However, it was the best of the Kelvin movies and I was really hoping they’d keep that up.

Like, I miss the child actor who played Cassie pre-snap, too, but I do not co-sign your bizarre and irrational hate for Kathryn Newton, who by all accounts is a good actor and a good fit for the role/story.

Despite the controversy, not letting enjoyable art into your life doesn’t make the world a better place.

Fair enough. But the more the MCU adapts the willy-nilly slipstream continuity of comics, the less interesting any of it is, and the less it adds up to.

There really are no heroes in this story.

Perhaps it doesn’t matter anyway

Couldn’t this be said for every film ever made?

the developers of the game obviously don’t share her views