
but spoiling the game doesn’t help or aid anybody.

the competing Rift system

Perhaps most exciting is Gunn and Safran’s professed dedication to high-quality writing and storytelling as they unroll each new DCU project: as Gunn has demonstrated throughout his career as a screenwriter and filmmaker, he has a keen eye for both character and story, a scholar’s approach to comic book history

How else do you make a DCU work?

Yeah, I agree that Stewart’s age was likely a big (maybe the biggest) factor in the original 3-season plan. But the back-to-back production for S2 and S3 was in part because COVID caused an unexpected delay after S1.

Well, half-true. Nemesis was planned and marketed as the final TNG movie, and Enterprise was only in season 2 at the time (and they expected it to go 6 or 7), so Paramount always intended to put Trek films (and probably new shows) on hold for a bit, as early as 2001. They probably didn’t intend the break to be as long

Season 1 also didn’t feature “the real Picard.” Neither did any of the TNG seasons or movies. In fact, every time you see him, he’s actually portrayed by British actor Patrick Stewart.


If season three of Picard takes the world by storm, and Stewart is still willing to play the character, you have to assume anything is hypothetically possible.

You would be ok with the hundreds of people working their asses off to make the game potentially lose their jobs because of something 1 bigoted woman said

just ignore it and it’ll pass over time as it gets more and more outmoded.

Riot argues that FTX’s reputation has been so thoroughly trashed in the past few weeks that being even remotely associated with the failed exchange is causing Riot harm.

Am I forgetting anything major?

I totally agree. The show seems to be going nowhere, which would be fine if it just did fun sitcom plots every week, but it keeps insisting on painstakingly slow walking the season’s major arcs (GrimPop, Brad’s rehabilitation(?), the MQ movie), each of which are so booooorrring.

I’ve always admired the work that goes into creating them (both illustrations and photos), and I think the average person has too, which is why so many have become memes over the years.

Babylon 5 was not “morally gray.” It’s a teenager’s idea of edgy political commentary. When “good” characters did “bad” things, the show was not subtle or nuanced about it. Its surface-level themes hit you like a ton of bricks because its writer always wanted you to know how clever he was.

alien construction workers shout curses at me in New York Italian-American accents

It doesn’t always work, obviously, but we got the Weeping Angels and Silence out of that sort of ambition

So we’re just going to forget that this series’ creator and lead designer is an admitted domestic abuser and rape apologist?

the “blue box-like building” and “blue and yellow sign” appear, in their totality, on the menu screen. After that, you don’t see them. [...]