
The biggest suprise of this show (for me, anyway) is that John Cena is a legitimately good actor. The show’s writing/plotting is pretty middling, and those filler bits where characters ramble on about some pop culture thing or idiom or whatever gets tired fast, but Gunn gets a lot of honest expression out of Cena in

The show seems determined to not make up its mind about what it wants to do about Peacemaker’s relationship with killing. He had this major crisis of confidence in a previous episode, and later admits that he doesn’t want to kill people anymore, but him deciding whether to kill or not kill his dad had basically nothing

You maybe misread me. Last time, the fan response was identical, in that it was in full support of the voice cast vs. the evil company. But Fox didn’t then and don’t now care about hardcore fan response to this inside baseball stuff. Announcing now is a negotiation tactic aimed at DiMaggio, pure and simple. It worked

Good thing they have that indestructable armor and nobody ever hits them in the legs or stomach.

learning apparently NOTHING from the failure of the previous Jedi order, still pulled out that “no attachment” bullshit

Agree. Let this new version stay semi-stuck in time like all cartoons, but move the timeline forward a bit.


I’m so confused by this take. I’ll take 20 bad episodes of Futurama over no new episodes of Futurama.

And if not? They’re apparently willing to recast

allowing the explosion of the matter/antimatter stream to happen in a contained way.

Yes, “late-stage capitalism” is such a dumb phrase.

Every emerging new tech is a scam until it isn’t.

Most of the “science” involves tech powered by magic crystals

You’re right, but it’s not an unpopular opinion. It was a common fan observation even at the time the show was airing.

I agree. Star Wars is fine, but if it wasn’t named “Star ___” people wouldn’t even be comparing it so directly to Star Trek in terms of storytelling quality.

It’s also unfortunate that “it’s a trap!” leads you down the Star Trek path, rather than Star Wars.

I like the idea of some Star Wars superfans being unable to not answer the “It’s a ___” clue with “trap” and thinking that must mean that the correct answer to the other clue is “Star Trek.”

It is not meant for Kids

As a livelong Trek fan, I appreciate the “cover band” version that the Orville is doing (in that they’re very open about how directly TNG-inspired it is) but the thing is, while the worldbuilding feels similar, Star Trek has always been about something, and The Orville is really just going through the motions.

Incredibly, it’s entirely a series of coincidences: