
In Guardians, it’s explained that Ronan isn’t acting on behalf of the Kree empire, he’s a rogue zealot. The “reveal” comes when you realize not only that he was officially working for the Kree Empire back in the 90s, but also that he wasn’t really any different back then.

Knowing that Ronan would cameo in the movie (it was not kept secret by Marvel), I was excepting a kind of “fall from grace” arc for him, where he’s a dutiful Kree soldier who becomes radicalized by the end of the movie, setting him up for his villainous role in Guardians...

This scene also goes a long way to explain why they hooked Carol back up to the Supreme Intelligence near the end of the film. In the final cut, it seemed like just an excuse to get more Annette Bening in the film, which, yeah, I’ll take, no complaints, but it makes a little more sense knowing the command given to

Phantom Hourglass, also, since it’s a direct sequel to Wind Waker, which itself develops a pretty in-depth relationship between the two.

Yeah, this is pretty much confirmation that there’s no playable Zelda. I think, rather than playing coy, he was genuinely confused as to how everyone got this idea in their head.

I believe we can have both canon and non-canon stories in the Star Wars universe, as long as they are clearly marked.

All those try-hard woots and wahoos kept coming at the strangest times, that to me it felt a little bit sarcastic. Some of the presenters seemed confused whether to react like “yeah, get hype!” or to ignore it because feeding it would be like falling for a prank. It was very awkward.

Yeah, no. The MCU eventually turned the character around, and vaguely tried to retcon a “maturity” arc for him, but let’s not pretend that was the plan all along, or that the later films ever addressed or denounced the sexist nature of the movie itself.

Yeah, I hadn’t considered them using the “Founders” as, well not beta testers, but just a way to better control the influx any free service is going to have. Makes sense to offer just the paid version first.

If they somehow manage to overcome the potential latency issues that come with cloud gaming

The fact there have been 6 versions of the Matrix, apparently ghosts and monsters actually exist, is Zion just another level of the matrix, questions about identity.

Even though it was in the trailer, no one fully understood what we were seeing, and what we’d later learn directors the Wachowskis called “Bullet Time.

It’s weird that they focused on the “Founder’s Edition” which is more like a bundle of accessories, and didn’t press home Stadia Base as thier main product, because the PR spin from them should be that Google is giving everyone in the world a completely free, subscription-free HD console you can just buy games for.

I always think of Iron Man 1 and 2 with this. The first one is seen as a classic, but it’s deeply sexist. The MCU movies got better over time, but they started from a more rotten place than most people recognize.

I don’t think he was being literal, or rather, it’s like saying “60 years ago, no one knew what a computer was” which is not really true (there were probably articles about computers in Life magazine), but you get the idea.

That scene never worked for me. It starts out great, with the “person” vs “people” framing, but then Jones’ character makes this impassioned point about how Smith’s character was ignorant to the existence of aliens yesterday... to prove his point about how people can’t handle the truth of aliens?

I think one of the unremarked upon things about this and similar 90s blockbusters portrayal of its women characters is that while we look back and lament how underdeveloped they are, how little screen-time they get, and how ancellary to the plot they are, and we forget that in those days, people praised them for being

1.5TB of RAM. [...] would have been a pipe dream for them until yesterday when most workstations could only support half that quantity

No, I mean the last one, the trash can. It, too, promised unlimited expandability though its use of its “revolutionary” Thunderbolt 2 ports.

Sure, there are fewer device drivers for macOS, but that has nothing to do with the performance of the OS or of the devices that are supported by it. Legacy support and greater device compatibility is like having extra cable dongles in your junk drawer. It makes organizing your junk drawer harder, but it doesn’t make