
I’ll agree that the legs aren’t exactly beautiful but they do appear quite functional. Which I’d argue is more valuable.

The holes are for cooling

Kinda locked to an older standard for $6K starting.

Mac wins out in things like Photoshop etc.

Most of the non professionals do not really care nor understand build quality, design or materials choice importance. [...] if you are a professional that makes money from professional computer work ...

Yeah. I loved that. Good Omens doesn’t really have a lot of deep message to it, it’s mostly just exceedingly clever and trite, and this (good, enjoyable) adaptation is pretty similar, but I loved that scene because it felt real like no other depiction of Jesus on the Cross has ever felt.

It’s odd to complain about SI spoiling this when Deadspin’s headline, which appears on this very page, did the same thing (without even a half-hearted spoiler warning).

This is the perfect outcome. Holzhauer had the better, modern playstyle, and easily could have bested Jennings’ winnings (and perhaps, though less-easily, his game streak) if his luck had gone just a little differently. On the other hand, Jennings had (and still has, if you follow his work) captured the hearts of

And the same things for his blue horns

You seem to think that big cities would become the new Electors. That’s not how the popular vote works. Every vote would count as much as any other, which would give a conservative in San Fransisco a voice they don’t currently enjoy, just as much as it would give one to a liberal in rural Alabama.

I’m not one to trash fan creations. This did a pretty good job as a proof of concept, especially considering how recently the original trailer was released! I was just flummoxed by the bizarre motion of the eyes in that section.



These things come out on Blu-ray eventually.

Wow. This article is pure, reactionary bullshit. I get the feeling the author’s personal gaming habits are feeling threatened? I can’t think of any other reason for the attitude on display. Quoting the ESA uncritically? Since when does any tech news site do that?

the idea that they *never* made good products is pushing it a little

There’s a sense that they’re really stagnating

There’s a difference between “”Tomorrow is a new day,” Jane said” and “Looking at the book with a sneer, she said it aloud: ““Tomorrow is a new day,” Jane said.””

We’re not talking about any computer company here, either. We’re talking about Apple, the company that’s famous for its obsession with perfection!

To be clear, “transformative” doesn’t mean the same thing as “transformed”