I see “wife giving birth” used. Where are you seeing something different?
I see “wife giving birth” used. Where are you seeing something different?
I imagine she’d try to get you to do things she thinks high people do, like stare at an orange. Meanwhile you’re just hoping the universe swallows her whole
Maybe they’ll be progressive and he’ll arise Jon Stark-Targaryen.
I hereby propose that the idiom “to beat a dead horse” henceforth be superseded within the pop culture lexicon by the more relatable contemporary reference, “to insist that Jon Snow is dead.”
It would be pretty funny if the character was just dead and stayed dead.
I really respect how you take criticism. Not all authors can handle it and you seem to always react with grace and take peoples opinions of your piece really well.
Despite his comments about at least two of his daughters (Tiffany here, the comments about Ivanka saying “If she weren’t my daughter...”), I actually don’t think he wants to have sex with his own children. Rather, I think he believes that the highest compliment you can give a woman is to call her fuckable. Which leads…
Absolutely not. I’m a straight dude and I myself have always wondered about the double standard where peen is never visible. I have zero issues with seeing dicks on my screen.
Are you saying her being the queen of peen would be ...bad?
That is something I can picture Rihanna wearing.
I honestly don’t trust that he is capable of working out the solutions or finding good advisers at this point.
Especially since, y’know, not all of America lives in NYC or rides the subway. Contrary to what Gawker and so many other media employees may sometimes think.
Indecisive beach ball from hell Trump.
Well, since I can’t edit my comment- that link is not spam but the mother from Bridget Jones’s Diary. “Close up, he was almost purple.”
Said The Slot’s Anna Merlan, “God, he looks so much better blue.”
Why would you do this
cannot unread
Agred. I remember when I fell in love with Jezebel. Now I’m in this weird resentful marriage with her.
To continue a conversation begun, last night (anyone?).