
I live in a small town in Georgia, the walking dead and rectify film here very frequently. The film crews spend money here, my boss was paid to have rectify film inside his restaurant, and it would a shame if intolerance and assholery were to ruin all that.

Wait wait wait-that can be a symptom of that? I’m 23 and I have to pee all the time do I maybe have fibroids? I pee as often as possible but it’s not like, a lot every time, and I have trouble sleeping because of the near constant having-to-pee feeling.

I feel like I’m watching myself and other women become second class citizens. (Even more so than we already were). This is so disturbing, it feels a lot like a nightmare. It’s got to stop soon, right? Before it gets all handmaids tale on us? Because I’m going to feel extremely uneasy (hearts ick and ragey) about

My Dad is a Trump supporter : ( And he’s supposed to be like, the smartest, coolest dude alive, like I really look up to my Dad, and I used to think he was really cool. Now I’m worried that he’s got dementia and I’m rethinking my opinion of him.

I’m an armpit gal, and I always have been. I’ve been weirding out boyfriends with my armpit sniffing for years. It’s especially good if they’ve been working in the sun all day, or haven’t showered in a while. Smelly, hairy, manly armpits are literally like sex drugs to me; they not only make me horny, they make me

This kind of thing happens far too often. I was trying to study at a secluded table in a bar, (middle of the day, mostly empty, it’s my place of work, 2 hours before my shift), and some guy wants to ask me questions about my school. I’m pretty sure he was only pretending he was interested in going there, in order to

I get jealous and insecure despite knowing intellectually that I have nothing to worry about.