I’d love to pull Rudy’s speeches and see what he’s “really like”. He seems to have spent as much time selling his heroic story to anyone who’ll pay him.
I’d love to pull Rudy’s speeches and see what he’s “really like”. He seems to have spent as much time selling his heroic story to anyone who’ll pay him.
America$ Mayor.
Or at least a porno mag dated this month, if they still exist. More his speed.
More interesting to consider how long PENCE wants to stay on this train before it does damage to his 2020 ambitions.
At least when soccer fans get down, it’s organized into larger mobs and they really make use of the stadium as a means of beating others/setting fires/attacking officials. We’re amateurs with our little brawls.
Why ask the rat to change its’ yellow teeth or its’ ability to gnaw through concrete, swim miles, navigate sewer pipes into toilets? Marvel at the majesty. Celebrate its’ indefatigable nature.
I have a great Dallas Cowboys anvil I’ve been waiting to have signed.
Doesn’t losing almost 1 billion equate to being incredibly bad at business? Not sure why NJ Bob’s Big Boy and the Crypt Keeper are trying to spin this as being “smart”.
Bloody sock = helter skelter.
Really missed an opportunity to not leverage Scott Baio.
I was staying in a house senior year with four other guys. One of our roommates would consume every controlled substance brought into the house without telling anyone and he would fully deny any responsibility. My other roommate turned his ankle playing basketball and they gave him vicodin for the pain. The pills…
This was the stink-cherry on a Sunday of misbegotten games.
Chris Hansen is waiting.
But Clevenger is. That’s the source. He doesn’t get to tell another group how to think or feel, like I don’t get to tell you how to react to something.
I love it when the white people get to tell the African Americans about how to correctly protest being locked up and shot.
His son is a bigger asshole that his TV personality. Sad!
Here come the warm gats.
Pretty psyched to see Dheepan, but most of those originals look...eh?
Just be happy they didn’t put in Winnie the Pooh: Port of Call the 100 Acre Woods. Shit is dark.
HOF is never truly a statistical exercise, so trying to crunch all the numbers is never going to determine who gets in.