Jeremy Clarkson once likened Sarah Jessica Parker's appearance to 'a boiled horse'. How is that for a turn of phrase?! Harsh... but descriptive. Also please don't anyone yell at me - that was Jeremy's snark and not mine!!
Jeremy Clarkson once likened Sarah Jessica Parker's appearance to 'a boiled horse'. How is that for a turn of phrase?! Harsh... but descriptive. Also please don't anyone yell at me - that was Jeremy's snark and not mine!!
You've made my day :-)
Wow I imagine the jar of weed to look like a jar of home made jam with pretty fabric and twine on the lid - that would literally be the best gift ever!! Please don't ruin my fantasy if it's inaccurate!! Your wedding sounds fun.
I would try it :-)
Hehehe chain gang!! Thanks for replying. I'm off to make a cup of tea with added bee cruelty now ;-)
I am glad you pointed this out - thank you. Signed, a Rebel-loving Aussie :-)
Yes!! I also noted that the creepy smile does not extend to his eyes. I tend not to trust people who smile exclusively with their mouths. At best they are insincere, at worst they are sociopaths.
I am interested to know why! Aren't the bees making it anyway? Is it because the bees have to 'work'? Does this mean they don't eat fruit that is a result of bee pollination too?
Let me start by saying that I'm not directing this at you personally since you're obviously keen on the wine and chatting sessions. But maybe your friends host pet parties precisely because they have to offer that justification (usually reserved for engagements, weddings, children’s birthdays) to ensure attendance by…
I would most definitely hit it. Isn't he married though? Yes - I googled him after watching that film and developing a severe celebrity crush :-)
I think I need the concept of 'coffee whitener' explained to me. I understand that some people don't like milk in coffee - but why can't they drink it black?
Women's libido pill = weed. Or maybe it's just me?
Oh!! I see - thanks for taking the time to reply :-)
Thank you :-)
Hi there, could you please explain 'the greys' to me? I am a fairly new commenter and have seen this mentioned but don't understand. Thanks for your time :-)
Hello, just wanted to let you know that you will need to change your name to 'Man With One Less Option'.
Erg- you are a top notch person. You make the world a better place. Please keep commenting on Gawker sites!!
Lucky for you - there are now THREE places available in that basement! You can pick your two best troll friends and get 'in on it' if you like. I personally won't give a shit :-)
This is what I want!! I live alone (and love it so so much) and believe I am ruined for cohabitation forever. Love these two - and I thought they only moved into one place while the other was being renovated? I think they're still living the dream...
I love me some Pimms but they're wrong about summer. Autumn in Sydney - now that's a season!!