
I’ve seen cops scream at grown ass adults for no reason at all, it’s only natural they would scream at little children because little children have even less power than adults.  I’m surprised they managed to restrain themselves from beating the kid, honestly.

100%. The guy in Philosophy 101 who wants to argue that utilitarianism is the only valid ethic and cannot explain what an ovary is. 

Bitch is so far in the closet he’s talking to Aslan.

There’s not a doubt that while little Benny is having the vapors over “the p-word”, he has no problem calling a woman he doesn’t like a fucking cunt.

Doc’s side-piece is not unfamiliar.

Turns out that Yosemite Sam’s “real” name is Samuel Rosenbaum.

So let’s have his funeral in 9 days, bury him 9 days after that and then all forget about him 9 days after that.

“C...O...G...and we love spelling, don’t we folks? The vowels and the continents and the big, big words. And I know words, probably better than dictionaries. In fact, I had a dictionary doctor tell me once that they thought I should’ve become a dictionary since I knew such good word spelling. And I had a word come up

Hey is your husband single?

How many times do you think Hannity hooked up with Earhardt before he realized he wasn’t suddenly having amazing luck at bedding random blondes from the office, but was, in fact, in a relationship?

Possible she did a not completely nude dance routine on lapdance no touching heavy security, quick 1 min pole routine, wouldn’t take my hundo, ignored me in the back parking lot, super rude closing her gated driveway on me.

You do you, but after our traditional PETA Tofurkey Hatestravaganza, my family is gonna grab a few hours’ sleep, go get a bunch of abortions on Blacklivesmatter Friday, and probably start decorating for the War on Christmas.

Mayonnaise Crusade: Raisin Hell

“Also, why the fuck is this demon spawn still allowed in the school? In school suspension? Really? Black kids have been kicked out for less!

Look, there is no racism in Naperville; some of my friends are mystery! 

Sure. When was the last time an African film was nominated for Best Picture?

Lack of quality education, combined with healthy doses of Tribalism and Racism, really mesh into an excellent recipe for the old white people of Kentucky (and elsewhere) to shoot themselves in the dick and then politely ask that the gun be reloaded.

Well, I mean, someone has got to own those libs.

Play games on your phone, barely listening or watching the movie.

There is a sizable portion of white America that sees this as the exact cure for racism. All our problems would be solved if black people would just forgive us for everything.