Genuine question: are you not from America?
Genuine question: are you not from America?
What the fuck is this??? A whole-ass discussion about your beard, and we can’t even see it??? Show us the beard, bro!
This is an awesome comment on an article about a right winger saying libtard Demarats need to be sent to Venezuela because they have no morals.
That’s crochet. CROCHET, motherfucker! I’ll kill you!
Bitch, white people kill the vast, vast, vast majority of white people too, so sit your fuckin bitch-ass punk ass down.
No, sah! Mi nah go dat far. But, just so you know, my whole family from Jamaica AND Trinidad are now mocking me mercilessly for cooking my chicken like the White Man.
Well, shit. Turns out you’re right.
I will ask around, because I feel like I’m going crazy. This is like when I found out it was spelled “Berenstain,” not “Berenstein.”
Madness. I’m Jamaican, and i have never in my life seen someone wash chicken. What’s that even supposed to do?
Just out of curiosity, why the fuck are you lunatics washing the chicken? What do you think that’s going to do?
Here’s the thing - despite what crazy-ass Dershowitz says, Desmond Tutu is awesome, and Farrakhan sucks.
Man, don’t you fuckin put Desmond Tutu in with Farrakhan, what the fuck is wrong with you?
“Girl”? She’s 60 years old. Show some respect.
OK, now do “Pickaninny Heaven.”
Wow, holy shit. Fuck that guy. That’s kinda gross, though. Amazed that you had the wherewithal to pull that off. Incredible.
Yeah, I know a bunch of Latinx people from Latin America living in the States who use “Latinx,” so, sorry, but you’re off base there.
“we had hellman’s, but now we’ve got plain Greek Yogurt!!”
Tell ‘im.
Your point about ‘unwanted contact’ would have made sense, if it weren’t for the fact that they’re FUCKING TALKING ABOUT WRESTLING. Who recs this shit?
And yet he comes across looking like the reasonable one here