
Weird how wypipo never manage to call cops on people like this dude, but call them on black/brown people playing golf, going on college tours, meeting prospective employers, checking in to AirBnB, picking up a BB gun for sale at Wal*Mart, etc., etc., etc.

This is the best thing I’ve ever read. Godspeed to you.

#44 - that’s his name, and his favourite activity!

Fuck Trump supporters. Michelle Wolf is not a journalist, first of all, so if those idiot fucking mouthbreathing troglodytes want to attack the MEDIA because of a COMEDIAN, then they’re even stupider, somehow, than I originally thought.

Oh, please. I’d much prefer it if white women were clear that they had white privilege, which is what Michelle Wolf specifically did in one of her last appearances on the Nightly Show. You know what happens when white women are “fine” with being mistaken for black?

my man, Kanye and Candace Owens and David Clarke and Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson are empowering white supremacy against marginalized people, aka POC. If black people work to support the white power structure, then they’re supporting racist power. So it doesn’t apply here.

I’m going to apply for asylum. Toxic masculinity is a goddamn nightmare.

No, still you.

Nope, sorry. Simple mistake on your part.

I get that, but I felt like using shorthand instead of typing out: “Bangladeshi, Indian, and Pakistani.” But fair point to you.

OUCH. Fuck! Fuck!

Still that guy, thanks for asking. I can see how you’d get confused.

Still that guy.

Counterpoint: I recall very distinctly how the white lacrosse players at my college mercilessly hounded my Pakistani roommate, intimidating him, yelling at him, pissing on his door, and shouting [Apu voice] “Thank you! Come again!” while they did so. Very difficult for a small Pakistani dude, mostly by himself,

I am here for all the white people explaining why minorities should not get upset at a little light racism.

No way! Asparagus, once it gets started, is mad easy to grow. It just keeps coming up! Weed that shit; put some fucking compost up in there, and bam! Asparagus all summer long.

Japan is racist as eff, bro. They’re not usually as violently racist as white America, but there’s a hell of a lot more racist people. I would guess that the percentage of anti-black racists in Japan is close to 95%

Paul Ryan should get a Z-. Paul Ryan is at least as bad as Jeff Sessions.

I think you meant to post this on Jezebel. Confusing, I know. But that’s just Kinja.

Man, as a black dude who is also irredeemably bad at basketball, I feel you. I went to Japan a while ago - like, country Japan - to teach at a middle school. As soon as I showed up, a bunch of 16 year olds crowded me, asking me to play ball with them. About 10 minutes into our game, I was (politely) ejected, and sent