
I know there’s no direct evidence of this in the video, but there’s no way these people aren’t hardcore Trump supporters.

Maybe caps help I don’t know.

Awesome, thanks guys.

What does dismissing do? I don’t see it as an option.

Oh my god, that guy is amazing.

I give up.

This happens to homeless white people all the time at Starbucks

Uncle Ruckus is ranked way too high, bro. You know Uncle Ruckus is basically Clarence Thomas, right?

can you speak honestly about policing in America from a black angle without causing discomfort among your white audience?

My man.

“But you’re being so rude to the racist!”

“the inherent saintliness of the primary characters.”

How the fuck did this VenusBitchAss fool ever get out of the greys, though, for real.

White people are going to be uncomfortable when the topic of race comes up. You need to realize that white people are tagged as the villains in every racial situation.

“There absolutely is equivalence in the usage [of ‘cracker’ and the n-word].”
-Your punk ass

Yeah, you’re totally right. Everyone remembers that time when groups of white people were systematically kept out of jobs, lost access to education, and were mocked as “crackers” when they were summarily lynched in the streets and OH WAIT.

I will definitely say it’s still hard for me to let go of the “the man pays for the date” sentiment, but ain’t nothing wrong with having a woman earn more than a man. The problems you described with hypothetical men who either earn less & are insecure or lazy have little to do with the money, and more to do with the

How in the fuck does this make sense? “You’re disrupting the school with your prurient shoulders. No, you can’t go home. STAY HERE FOR HOURS.”

Being opposed to bigotry makes you the REAL bigot. There you go.

Fuck Suckabee Sanders lyin’ ass, and fuck all the bitch-ass punk bitches carrying water for the GOP.