The Mighty Fish

How are they gonna do that next time? R8SID8NT 8VIL?

It's a movie I didn't hate but when I try to think of something I like, nothing comes to mind. Except for maybe the little porcelain doll, but that was naked heartstring pulling.

I sat down to read the book and made a genuine effort to like it but I couldn't get very far into it at all. I'm just not predisposed to granite-thick fantasy backstory and worldbuilding. Then again, if fantasy world building is done right, like it is in the original novel (and film) it can get very complicated but

I guess it depends on what your definition of "bonkers" is. Is it "unexpected, surreal, or surprising"? Because that can be a pretty good thing. But then there's also "bonkers" as "an unsatisfying, randomly-arranged plot with illogical character action". I haven't seen The Good Place but Jane the Virgin definitely

That's how I feel about Gotham.

Unless there's a nuclear winter!

I can almost feel the insufficient warmth drifting off the fifty-gallon metal barrel full of burning trash that we're all huddled around for warmth when this gets said out loud in about six months.

"Jake Sully has already mastered control over an alien body once.
Now, he'll have to do it again.
But this time, instead of a cat that has sex with its hair,
he'll be in the body of an unstoppable killing machine."

It's better than 3 in the sense that it was (slightly) more than a rehash of the 1-2 plot, and it's better than 4 in the sense that it's not a muddled gray/brown pain to train your eyes on. But both of those movies were also more cohesive individual films than Genisys IMO. You can't just have a character turn to

"The Hunt for Red Don-tober"?

I always think it's funny when I see listicles that talk about how ridiculous the scene where Jamie Lee Curtis drops a gun down a flight of stairs and kills twenty terrorists through sheer dumb luck by doing it is. Like yeah, it's stupid. Did you see the part earlier where a dude ramped a motorcycle off of one hotel

That's true. The Republican party has consolidated against all odds, while the Democrats continue to bicker amongst themselves.

All they have to do is keep pumping cash to Mariska Hartigay and Ice-T for three years and they'll have it.

Say it ain't so!

I've personally found that people who say things like that get deliciously upset when you tell them that it sounds like they need a "safe space".

Well, a lot of them voted for Trump. I've seen what feels like dozens of opinion pieces and talked to people who say "Oh well I wanted to vote for someone different, I would've voted for Bernie, but I just thought Trump would [insert thing Trump will never do]."

Conservatives were fearful about what Obama might hypothetically have done, if he was a secret Muslim agent who would turn America into a socialist hellhole.

I'm hopeful that that's his plan. We've lowered the bar for cabinet appointees so far that having Mitt Romney or Bob Corker at the helm of the State Department would be legitimately great at this point. But I have no real faith in any of these people anymore. I'm waiting for Lindsey Graham to bend the knee any day

True, but wouldn't that also mean that her right to power still only comes from marriage. Just someone else's, presumably.

Let's thaw him out and ask!