The Mighty Fish

He's well-spoken I suppose but his worldview is incredibly ethnocentric. Which kind of begs the question of whether he's intelligent, ability-wise, and ignorant at the same time, or incompetent ability-wise but reads a lot of books.

That was sweet. I think I started ovulating. And I don't have the appropriate parts.

Trump is basically a mirror that right-wingers can look into and see their favorite policies, since he has no discernible ideology or moral compass between three-word chants. A close family member told me he voted for Trump because he thought Trump would stand up to Russian aggression and intimidation of our armed

That's some keen political thought, there . . .

I would assume this is why so many marijuana and minimum wage initiatives passed this year, while Donald Trump and the Republicans won the election. Everyone wants "freedom" for themselves and is willing to put other populations under the yoke for it.

It's really shocked me how much conservatives bemoaned the lack of respect and support shown to "middle America" etc. etc., quickly followed by the obedient and eager regurgitation of these same talking points by the media, when the election was decided by a tiny margin of "heartland" voters overriding the will of

It's also worth noting that the people here in the Knoxville area came out in droves to support victims of the fires, so much so that within about a day, their immediate needs — food, water, shelter — were fully accounted for. It's especially nice to see this kind of generosity from a celebrity, especially after the

The kind of thing that wouldn't be a violation of the law but would make a jury sate their disgust by hurling fistfulls of Wal-Mart's money at the plaintiffs.

Yeah it was settled a year and a half ago. Wal-Mart probably also settled quick to prevent any kind of discovery, so a bunch of information about their truck driving policies wouldn't come out in a very unflattering light.

I agree with the gist of what you said but between this and Xanderpuss the comments are getting harsh.

I guess I wasn't very clear. Fury Road succeeds because it meets the "people who made the original" criteria, even though it's years later.

I see why you're that guy that likes movies so much, then.

I'm sure you consciously implied this but to quantify it, "years-later-sequel problem" is defeated by fulfilling the "people who made the original" criteria. And if you have neither . . . Well, you'd better be James Cameron and you'd better be making Aliens.

I saw a clip of Billy Bob Thornton on Seth Myers' show talking up this movie and he looks terrible.

I would think it would be pretty difficult for Super Troopers 2 to rip off the plot of Super Troopers 1 since Super Troopers 1 had such a slim to none plot. And I say that with love.

That's true. I think it's worth entertaining the idea that she legitimately enjoys this kind of stuff. If you've spent your time doing serious film roles when you were younger, surely working with very serious people, then losing out on your plum NBC show, it's probably kind of nice to A) get paid, B) be able to goof

Sounds like HBO Now, which is (often, not always) hot garbage especially if you want to use it with Chromecast.

I feel like I'd rather buy it on iTunes or DVD. That way I don't have to worry about a recurring charge.

Is there actually much of a reason to get Showtime's streaming service if Shameless is already on Netflix?

Not for much longer, I fear . . .