The Mighty Fish

“Why can’t April go on a bender without it turning into every hostile alcoholic trope in the book?”

So she can die at the end of the season :/

Not having to use up half of his political capital on keeping the recession from turning into a depression and the other half on turning our healthcare system from “atrocious” to “depressingly mediocre”? Yeah, I think about that a lot.

It really blows my mind that (more) Democrats haven’t latched onto busting up corporations, monopoly prevention, etc.

“How can I reach these kiiiiiiiids?”

Hey, take it easy on him. Cops in Chicago have it really hard. They have to spend all day torturing people for confessions and smashing their dash cams. That’s thirsty work.

I think that has a pretty decent chance of being true since it would imply that once again Trump has accidentally stumbled his way forward with no intent or planning behind it.

You can’t tell Scalise that his idea would be “a whole new ball game.” He was fucking shot at a ball game.

The job of President isn’t going to age Trump at all though, that’s the funny thing. Obama spent so much time and energy throwing himself into legislative projects, meaningful public engagements, etc. that he ended up being weathered by all of it. Trump spends all day loitering around the White House, watching Fox

Scalia didn’t fuck around with that. People say you should recuse yourself from a Supreme Court case because you have a conflict of interest? Just write an opinion about how impartial, objective and awesome you are, and hear the case anyway.

I’ve always maintained that if we were going to be originalists and think / act the same way the founding fathers would have (a philosophy I vehemently disagree with) then we should do what the founding fathers would have done if they found out that someone was collaborating with a foreign power to rig a U.S.

Gotta make sure the NYT is a safe space for those conservatives so they don’t get made to feel uncomfortable . . .

THPS4! I can’t say that I’ve really lived until I’ve had the “monkeys-flinging-shit-at-you” experience in 4k!

My wife and I played GTA Online together for something like a solid year and a half after it came out. We picked it up again last month, and . . . it’s just the same. A few new clothes. Being able to dye your hair is nice. And missions, too. But playing missions in that game is like getting an hour of your life in

Skimmed that quickly while scrolling and read that as “Tracy Morgan” but now I’m not giving that one up

Hopefully Sebastian Gorka spent his entire speech anxiously looking over his shoulder for lurking INTERPOL agents.

I didn’t play MGSV and I won’t play this game because I’ve seen the same criticism leveled at both: “the story is lackluster.” What’s the point of playing an MGS game if there’s a bad plot? It’s like watching someone eat an apple and say “well the skin is pretty good but there’s no flesh inside, just fistfuls of

“It’s like Hollywood Squares, but the celebrities are gently pureed at the end of every episode.”

It seemed like something that would happen in a cartoon. When the rest of your movie has pg-13 action, adult themes of race/maturity/identity, some surreal stuff with the afterlife scenes, it doesn’t really fit.

Reminder: the talk radio crowd believes that Putin is trying to bring “Christian” “values” to Russia and that the White House was occupied by a secret Muslim for eight years. They’re not going to get angry about Russia because they’re so far removed from reality as to be completely unreachable.

I feel like Ron Swanson definitely has a few guns in his house but would relentlessly mock the kind of guys who buy bump stocks, laser sights, extended magazines, shit like that. Can’t you just see him going “if you can’t take down an intruder in your home with a single shot from a .22 revolver, why do you even use a