The Mighty Fish

*I desperately rush to the ticket window with bundles of loose dollar bills in my hands*

“I’m putting all of this on Hope Hicks!”

“James Woods is back at it again.”

Oh, so is that what we’re calling “abusing cocaine” now?

As scummy as Laura Inghram is and always has been “______ Would Like to Speak to the Manager” is probably a better name of Jeannine Pirro’s show.

I’m not a “defend Melania” kind of person but I don’t exactly blame her for not getting divorced. We know two very important things about Donald Trump:

1) When he feels as though someone has betrayed them, he will cross any sense of decency and fairness to destroy them in any way possible.

2) When a woman doesn’t act

I know it wouldn’t have worked out this way but it would have really hurt to see Harry still looking for Cooper after all this time. Gordon’s always been kinda weird and . . . other, so watching him search for Cooper is interesting and makes sense, but Harry being a relatively normal guy who obviously cared a lot for

I completely agree. Something about Bob climbing out from behind the bed like a rabid cat really skeeved me out on my last rewatch.

I’m not a big album guy, but I love listening to Fordlandia and the soundtrack for The Theory of Everything is incredible. This really hurts.

I hope Neil Gorsuch can’t sleep. I hope he tosses and turns all through the night, gets up and wanders around his house every few hours, and stares out of his living room window.

Talk about “impostor syndrome.” He’s probably the highest serving, most important, but least deserving man in American politics since . . .

If Trump was actually a 4-D chessmaster, he would have never released this document. It could have been kept around as a boogeyman, always more powerful than it will be now. I’m honestly a little disappointed that there was no real attempt to get Rosenstein in this thing. Just a waste of time.

If the location was Times Square we can reasonably rule out “stealing a car from a moving train and driving it off a cliff” as the stunt, but not “stealing a gas truck by jumping on it” or “crashing into a bus to crash the bus somehow”

“Fun” fact: A few Trey Gowdy cases are profiled on Forensic Files. So those are ruined for me now.

There’s no excusing Devin Nunes’ nauseating behavior, but I’ll say this for him — at least he does his dirty work in the daylight. He makes it very clear he’s on Team Trump and is desperately trying to sabotage the investigation. That’s as opposed to Paul Ryan, who wrings his hands over it but makes no effort to stop

I enjoy getting items from alpha packs. I was happy to get Glaz’s eyepatch headgear. But I don’t feel like my game experience would have been impacted in the slightest if I didn’t have it.

People (including me) should have figured the Outbreak mode was a setup for something like this before. I didn’t care for it because I thought a co-op zombie mode was just a dumb idea by itself, but there’s not really a reason for the devs to invest time and money in it if they didn’t expect it to pay for itself. It’s

“When Rainbow Six Siege first released, it was swamped with complaints about its grindy progression that could only be reduced through microtransaction payments in addition to what people had already paid for the full-priced game.”

That’s not really true, though. The progression in the base game is pretty negligible.

I don’t watch wrestling. I’m not an expert on football. But if you were actually going to do something like this, I would think you wouldn’t ban people with criminal records or who kneel for the national anthem. You would make a <i>team</i> of people with criminal records and people who kneel for the anthem.

Pay Richie

The only Republicans it would have lost would have been <i>some</i> of the Republicans whose families benefit from the program. Because yes, like you said, most people in red states see every social program that benefits the poor, POC or immigrants as evil and unnecessary. Unless, of course, they themselves start

Nope. There were a variety of statistical analyses that calculated how many people would have died as a result of the GOP fully repealing the ACA and not replacing it with anything, and the mainstream media didn’t report on it in any significant way. The hurtful, violent methodology of the Republicans would be treated

“Have you met this Nazi? He eats food for sustenance, just like you do! Don’t you feel silly for blindly hating him, fellow intellectuals? Please ignore the sounds of smashing windows and chanting outside.”

Just when you thought math teachers couldn’t get any worse . . .