
True story: Mrs. ThrowMeToTheWolves just learned what box can also mean.
This is the first joke she has ever got with this meaning.

I literally saw a team win a Superbowl doing it. But yeah, tell me what an arena coach turned HS coach thinks.

Comment of the day

Because shit like this happens. Go put your best player back there then if you think the punter will fuck it up. There were smarter ways to take this out of the officials hands.

My buddy Kyle, his dad was a judge, and we were playing touch football in the street when we were six or seven, maybe ten, and my other friend Mike was quarterback and he was like “Go deep, way deep” and Kyle ran for, I dunno, had to be seven or eight seconds, just forever,and I was covering him and by then we were

I’m not saying it’s not an official error. What I’m saying is that coach did a really stupid thing too.

rematch...ball dont lie

Why not just have your punter go out there and then punt the ball out of bounds? Or just have your punter run around for 4 seconds and go down. That is dumb ass coaching.

+1 tongue in cheeks.

SEC bias is real

A 1 loss SEC team is ahead of a zero loss power 5 team. I can’t even.

They should retire that number.

Third-degree Rambunctiousness for sure

Bautista’s bat flip was after taking the lead in an incredibly high pressure, highly emotional winner-take-all NLDS game, for a team that hasn’t been to the playoffs in two decades. What is a better time to bat flip? A meaningless late September game in which your team has already been eliminated from the playoffs?

Ms fan here. Gut punch of a dinger. But I gotta respect JB. Motherfucker don’t give a fuck!!

In a short tournament like this any goalie can get hot and lose to Canada in the final.

It’s extremely Brownsian that they can’t even be the best at losing

Good to see someone honoring Iman Shumpert in his time of trouble. He's really taking to Cleveland.