
Ryu 100% counters Honda in that game, also Ryu forces people to block about 2-4 fireballs if they’re in the corner and you’re spaced correctly.

“My son already ate his ass up twice,”

Because he wasn’t marketed as heavily or as memetic as Jordan or Wilt.

Strickland is a total goon, yes.

In fairness, the Bulls drafted Pippen (draft night trade) and Jordan.

The lost jewel in the crown is Son. Beautiful movement on and off the ball.

Leading candidate for the sigh young.

I never thought I’d say this, but let’s get some more snooker stories up in here.

That’s the best reply ever, thanks. I missed the whole Slovakia part, but I’m still thinking you’re wrong about the black bears.

Am I the only one that would drink Jaromir Lagr no matter how bad it tasted? I feel like the guy’s sitting on a goldmine.

When you say “clinical finisher”, do you mean that his finishing usually puts him in a clinic? Because that clip ...

So now the bed sheet is a tight-end that kills people too

Something similar happened to me. I was accused of exposing myself when in actuality I just needed to get some semen out of my testicles.

Well at least he doesn’t suffer from ‘ginormous testiculis’ like his lawyer does.

He was unfamiliar with the layout of the house because the owner had put on an addition unlike any other.

Righty tighty, leftie loosie.

how amazing would it have been if they rolled the ball inbounds and UNC ran away from it to avoid an incidental foul and UK ran away from it hoping it would go out of bounds, and millions of people just watched with bated breath as a ball slowly rolled 90 feet in anticipation of whether or not someone would

Everyone except for the English media and Pep agrees with you.

dissenting voice here... not a fan