


“How dare you sit there and blame white people for the problems of the minority communities. After all, aren’t you half white? Didn’t two white parents adopt you, after yours weren’t willing to raise you?!”

Hacky sack is cool now

Yes, they said it was a complete tear.

The Crocodile Dundee movies suggest that Australians can survive New York and Los Angeles. But I bet no movies would've been made had they tried to send Dundee to Tampa and its collection of Florida People.

And to think all of you pearlclutchers didn't even want them there in the first place.

Usually the boos is only a problem at her family parties.

Don’t worry, I’m desperate for football, too.

Man, I didn’t realize that “Same Old Lions” was a worldwide phenomenon not limited to Michigan.

Usually I’m fine with making a tasteless joke on Deadspin no matter how tragic the story but this time I think I’ll pass.

I think it’s funny that he still lists his alma mater as Butte Community College in those pregame player intros.

hehehehe... crushing the Bears...

Aside from breaking someone’s legs, this is the most Pepe thing he could have done today.

Messi Hurt; Assaulted by Math

God, you are insufferable. I honestly think Deadspin only keeps you on to troll soccer fans. Now STFU and go beat off to Arsenal 03-04 highlights.

Just gonna remove some redundancy in your comment. Still gold though.

You think Durant screams OKC a lot? Try waterboarding a Spaniard.