
Eh, I can see both sides of the argument.

Kevin Hart Would Also Like Everyone to Be Nicer to His Pal Ellen DeGeneres

In this case, it means “tacky human being”.  

 According to Cosmopolitan, Bachelor fans seem to think Crawley leaves with former NFL player Dale Moss, the suitor who allegedly receives her first impression rose. Life & Style reports that Crawley fell for Moss so hard and fast, she threatened the leave the show after just 12 days.

The focus of the story is the bleach treatments and how some parents of children who are not neurotypical go to extreme lengths.

Well done.  About time, too.  The point about how they generalize about us while demanding to be treated as individuals was PERFECTION.

So it’s a Fantasy film?

Tekashi? Why are you here/ Shouldn’t you be in hiding?

Dorit (why would one want a name best left to a Charles Dickens urchin?) Kelmsley is attempting a hypebeast flex in the super trendy Marine Serre drip.

Bye bye, troll.

These people LIVE for attention. She may hate the show but it gets her attention and that feels like love, which is why these people do this at all.

She can’t.

She knows how fake everyone has to be on chat shows but by pulling shit on the celebs, who are basically trapped in the talk show convention and have to act amused by everything lest they come off bad, she gets to shit on them and not look bad because, see! they’re laughing, too! 

Success and money just make you more of who you already are.

There is no reason to be ruthless with staff and underlings. Or to ignore sexual aggression towards some of those staff by your producers. She’s the star. It’s her show. The people she had to fear or be ruthless to, were network presidents. Not staff.

It’s a clear case of respectability politics via a colonialist mindset.

But, remember, while he was popular with the regular people of Jamaica, the black ruling class and upper classes didn’t care for him beyond his ability to draw money and attention to Jamaica. 

When white supremacy has so infected the minds of the former British colony’s residents and laws? YEAH.

This guy WILL kill someone at some point in the future.