
Brunch? Fuck ‘yo brunch.

No, you don’t.

Trials cost time and resources. These aren’t educational tools because some people are too lazy or stupid to pick up a book or read an online resource.

If nothing’s happened already to him or George Zimmerman or the cops who shot that 12 year old boy in a park or the guy who called the cops to murder that man in Wal-Mart, etc. etc. then nothing WILL happen.

What I’m not enjoying is seeing the comments here that act like this guy didn’t try his best to find a way to get the officer on murder or manslaughter.

Well, it could work as an influencer group. But as a Party? Naw.

What happened to his anger issues?


But, mom, uncle Jerry gets...handsy.

It isn’t for us, though.

I don’t give a shit. Just choose someone already and let’s get the campaign going hardcore. He could literally choose one of the college-age young Black women cashiers from my local grocery and I’d be find with it, at this point.

The Black 80s was one long experience of stiff denim with a crease over Stacy Adams dress shoes. If you were male and didn’t dress like Peabo Bryson ready to step on stage, were you even Black enough?

My favorite Black momma saying?

Black Twitter doesn’t have the singular ambition of trolling White fragility for fun and profit.  

When there’s a deeply entrenched mindset of White supremacy that, during the aftermath the Civil War and their loss, saw a rise of former slaves to wealth and influence that, in their minds, was a contravention of all their White supremacist ideas. Leading directly to explicit laws preventing Black ownership,

Oh, I totally agree with that.  I wrote a comment saying that about her, too.

Okay, I’m not going to go point by point on your term paper, I’ll just hit the first point, which kind of sums up everything for the others:

Non-Americans who want to stay mad and live in a fog of irrationality don’t want to face that the popularity of our music is what made these awards restrictions happen.

It’s not our fault that our music is so popular.