As a Non-Black WoC.... Please spend your energy elsewhere. He doesn’t need to be specific or accurate. He’s clearly talking about the experience with anti-Black racism which is worse than what all others experienced.
As a Non-Black WoC.... Please spend your energy elsewhere. He doesn’t need to be specific or accurate. He’s clearly talking about the experience with anti-Black racism which is worse than what all others experienced.
He speaks directly about Kelly Marie Tran earlier in the interview, though, so I don’t think he means to exclude her from the conversation. Boyega’s entire interview is specifically about Blackness, and I think that’s what he’s speaking to here. While I’m sure a lot of what happened to KMT and John Boyega overlaps,…
He was speficially mentioning race.
Andy Cohen is a POS and I wish people would stop giving him attention.
He was definitely one of the Dr.EmilioLizardo impersonators!
People forget that this is exactly what happened to Patreon to the point that most people don’t even remember that adult performers and sex workers of various types basically launched the service. When they changed the rules there wasn’t any one person to blame it on, they just did it to shift the model towards…
They are a company and so can’t be trusted.
That’s literally my point though - that the pandemic, the lack of support from leaders and the financial vulnerability it’s put people in, is the real villain here. Of course they have every right to be mad at her for their direct income loss (I didn’t say they didn’t), but she didn’t “ruin” the business model; OF…
Wow, we’re getting two identical stories on this, huh?
She’s an idiot, for sure. But this seems to have happened so quickly, my guess is OnlyFans had something like this in mind already. She was just an easy excuse to move forward with it. They’re not exactly a benevolent force.
I appreciate the perspective of this article and also clicked on it because it said I wouldn’t read it. I don’t read every article, even though I deeply care about access to safe and affordable abortions, because it feels so repetitive. Same shit different day. I’ve had some idea of how the click economy works, and…
I feel like I should speak up for a (probably small) demographic. I care deeply about abortion rights, and have since I was about 10. BUT I don’t always click on each story for the simple reason that 1. I know it will piss me off and I have a 4yo in lockdown and can’t afford to lose any more patience than I already do…
But sure, let’s skip over the tweets and explanations about the actual cultural festival Adele was celebrating, in her own country, with neighbours and friends of colour who are fine with her outfit, and focus on the American point of view.
Adele isn’t american, the carnival isn’t in America either. Carnival is for all races, and all creeds. Everyone wears any style they like, you never know what a costume is going to represent : African, Indian, European. So calling”Cultural Appropriation” on Adele’s style of dress for carnival is just ignorant. Your…
I know better than to respond in good faith to someone who doesn’t demonstrate the same courtesy to me, but I believe it’s clear from the context of my comment that I was referring to long-term side effects—not temporary, normal side effects that only last for a couple days whenever I resume taking PrEP.
...I mean sure, but I feel like the bigger lesson is that people, regardless of their gender, religion, role in society, etc can abuse their power and we should listen to victims and work to prevent this from happening again?
Rape. She raped him.
And it took him so long to realize it because of the toxic coding of what men are supposed to want sexually! Of course any man wants a BJ from a woman, no matter the context of the encounter! God.
Buying candy on my way to work!