
Of course he will.

I don’t understand how they make this work legally?

“Favorite President”?

She didn’t “burn down” OF.

Why aren’t the mad at Only Fans?

I am happy every day that I don’t have a Twitter account where I can unleash my every brain fart on my friends or the public.

I was wondering why you were reporting on what Keto Kammy, a verified nobody, was on about. It’s because an actual star, Halle Berry, decided to signal boost her! Okay, now I get it.

“We own this and you can’t do this without permission.”

Philly isn’t the world, genius.

They’ve done entire articles over the years about that on Jezebel.’ll wake them up from their fantasy that they understand what’s going on and can be mad about it.

I for real and totally don’t give a shit if white women wear Bantu knots, box braids, or dreads. As long as they don’t claim them as their own creation or are cos-playing as an actual Black woman.

Yeah, that’s great, but...why did these literal nobodies get a feature on the VMAs putting them alongside actual stars and chart titans?

Ahhh, the Kennedy gambit, “Who me? MARRIED? When? How? Who?”.

I’m really sick of this social media narrative where a corporate decision is being blamed solely on her fuckery.

I’m mad that Thorne’s being thrown under the bus for a corporate decision. That’s bullshit, to me.

Why are we blaming Bella Thorne for what OnlyFans decided to do?

Wrong thread, huh?

You JUST excused her behavior. 100 percent.

He’s soliciting/stalking guys that they both wanted her to fuck and then he would watch.