10am???? I feel like I need the rationale behind this terrible decision.
10am???? I feel like I need the rationale behind this terrible decision.
“I learned to read!”
This is a really bad look for Sager, so I guess he really did die as he lived.
These young men and, really, more and more people are seeing that these young men, and I’m telling you the papers have been writing about this and about how I’ve been very strong in this regard, these young, strong men can actually be tied together with, I guess it’s this type of plastic cord, plastic cord that is…
Still waiting for a Flat Earther to be appointed head of NASA
The guy lives and works in the country and obviously has deep cultural and family ties. I don’t see it as much of a surprise. Plus being on the National team has much more prestige in Mexico than it does here. Best of luck to him :)
Have you been to Europe? I have and I can confirm that they are a hell of a lot more progressive than we are here in America.
The gal I’m stuck watching football with would instead ask what’s on HGTV and why in the hell I hadn’t yet emptied the dishwasher.
Well as the West Side Connection once said, Ganstas Make The World Go [a]’Round.
What can you say to them? ‘Coal is dead, it’s been dead for the last 30 years and it’s not coming back no matter how much you wish and pray that it would? You need to go to school and learn a trade or get a degree or learn how to do something besides digging in the dirt.’ That shows clear and concise understanding of…
“Things haven’t changed much for me this last year so things must be fine, right?”
I go the other way. I feel bad for the world that I’ve unleashed the three asshole kids of mine on it, but looking at the world, I guess they all deserve each other.
McMahon has never been able to extricate himself from the idea that wrestling fandom comprises yokels and rednecks, which is why he’s so desperate to achieve something, anything, outside of it. There’s a story from when Ted Turner bought WCW and said to McMahon, “Hey, Vince! I’m in the wrasslin’ business!” McMahon’s…
He wrote in “Ron Rivera, future head coach of America” on a postcard addressed to “The Election” for which he didn’t apply any postage.
You are right. I didn’t really think about it like that. Due to privilege and being nowhere near the top of my profession.
I never understand cashiers who care enough to report stuff like this. I remember I used to work in a sort of high end place, and there were a group of girls who ran a gift card scams and I never paid attention, because who gives a fuck.