And despite your corporate overlords telling you to stick to sports, I hope Deadspin never does because
and I can’t emphasize this enough
Maybe he should have disguised it as a United States Treasury bond.
I am both surprised and not surprised that since she has conservative friends, she would eventually use conservative rhetorical bullshit to defend herself. They fucking INVENTED applying the “tolerating different beliefs” principle to literally ANY belief, no matter how abhorrent, amoral, or despicable.
“I have probably never laughed harder than I did just now when I opened a reader email and learned that the troposphere is the lowest level of the earth’s atmosphere. ”
This is an abomination. He’s dead to me.
That’s because it’s so common they’d never get anything done if they checked on all the kids who got laid out. There’d be no time for growth. No time for teaching. No time for going with your gut. No time for liking the cut of someone’s jib. No time to double-down. No time to fourth meal. No time to just do it. No…
I hate to align myself even slightly with the Old Men Yelling At Clouds, but I also do not find the Three True Outcome Era to be a particularly enthralling version of the game.
what i hate most about this replay is the way the ump continues to stare Kemp down on his walk back to the dugout, just looking for a reason to add insult to injury. You made a bad call, you won’t change it, but don’t get all rabbit-eared and look for any reason to toss the guy.
Wait, so when people stop being polite, they don’t actually get to be Real?
Guys, what if Left Shark wasn’t just screwing up her Super Bowl performance?
Ben, my tiny, tiny dude. “Just behind Brandon Jennings, and ahead of Jared Dudley” isn’t doing the work you think it’s doing.
Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!
I’m taking the cash, and hopefully its the full $125. As much of a bullshit settlement as this is I just can’t see myself hiring a lawyer down the road to sue them personally. That being said...the company should have their charter revoked and their assets liquidated.
the voicework is bad, but the thing that struck me about that clip was that the cutscene was bookended by 45+ seconds of saving/loading screens. Yeesh.
Free Chris Paul
“I see no changes, wake up in the morning and I ask life worth living, should I email blast myself?
Nah, he didn’t actually resign, he’s just working remotely from Malaysia.