
Not just the barriers. The probabilities. There are 100 billion or so stars just in our galaxy, and there are most likely somewhere around 10 trillion galaxies in the universe. If even 10% of those stars have potentially habitable planets, then that’s a shit-ton of solar systems to choose from when you want to go

Being privy to the info isn’t the same as knowing it. Unless they provided the information on a single page as a graphic, or a short bulleted list of short sentences, the president wouldn’t be able to parse it.

He never had a chance to do any of that.

Good form.

Can’t even make it to the winter meetings. Jeets is showing about as much range as GM as he did at shortstop.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.

Actually, I believe Mexico City has a rather mild climate due to its elevation and location. Aside from the smog, which I understand is getting better, it seems like a pretty nice place to live.

Oh, that Jeter. Still handing out gift baskets.

You know, if idiots like you call any criticism of Israel antisemitism, the word is going to lose all meaning.

“The lead picture speaks volumes, her cheerful instagram ready face next to the face of someone with severe PTSD or some other chronic mental illness.”

Glad you can discern mental illness from a picture of a guy with a beard, in a raincoat taken at night. You must be a godsend to big pharma, Dustin look at these pics and have a doctor run a bunch of scrips. This gentleman looks exactly like 50% of rural America. I’m glad an individual is helping where our corrupt

Tom Izzo’s use of “compliance girl”suggests that he takes this all very, very seriously.

Let’s be honest here: all he and his cronies have to do is say he misspoke. Simple as that. Nevermind the utter carelessness that displays, or the complete lack of respect for his office and the legal process it shows. Just another example of the FAKE NEWS media playing GOTCHA again.

I use comic sans. Easy to read. Never got the internet boner for a font.

I’m extremely interested to see what Ivanka is going to do once the heat builds up on Kushner and daddy dearest attempts to save his own ass by throwing her husband under the bus.

Big deal. Tomorrow he’ll just say he never tweeted this, not that it was a fake tweet from an impostor or anything like that mind you, just that it never happened, period.

So the lesson here is apparently, don’t call out a fan talking shit about your teammates courtside and don’t stick up for your teammates unless you’re asuperstar player averaging 25/10/10? I see nothing wrong with what he did, even if he is not a great player.

Hey buddy, I wasted an entire afternoon crunching these numbers! My boss can call me lazy. You sir, cannot.

If you’re not doing anything this weekend, let’s sneak into the Pro Football Hall of Fame and replace the caption on John Elway’s plaque to “The rich man’s Bubby Brister”.

I just threw up on my fucking shoes.