using an old pc for this sounds like a great way to waste 300 dollars a year on electricity.
using an old pc for this sounds like a great way to waste 300 dollars a year on electricity.
There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.
Inevitably, in the torrent of obituaries to come, someone will recite a list of Roger Ailes’s personal failings,…
“The sheer strength and determination of LeBron James vs the heart of Isaiah Thomas. Great shot.”
He’s never been IN the black either.
probably should have googled whether or not he has in fact died. he has not, but I assure you death will come for him
Well, I would be traveling to the US on my way home from wherever I have gone that is better.
Enough. If we want to move forward in repairing out democracy, we need to stop with out fascination with celebrity and star power. Articles like this are part of the problem. I hope our next president is charisma-free. I hope he’s is boring and uninspiring. That’s why I support Roman Reigns in 2024.
You like the Big Bang Theory don’t you.
Hmmm....something tells me Raptors don’t survive a scorched Earth approach.
Ryan, thank you for the great seasons you gave us Phillies fans. You will always have a special place in our memories.
Edited: But, to repeat and to be clear, just so you know: I was going to be the benefactor of a $10,000 bet at 18-1 on Anthony Joshua to knock out Wladimir Klitschko in the second round on Saturday at Wembley Stadium without any of the downside risk.
We spend all these years fighting African Pirates, and now we’re supposed to celebrate them?
Folks, this is what happens when you demand Deadspin stick to sports.
One of the problems ESPN’s Darren Rovell points out
You know what might have actually helped in the long term? Cutting the executives, some of whom are surely making some pretty large salaries, who decided overpaying for TV rights was a good idea.
Starred while my wife wasn’t looking.
I think this point has some merit, but Drew has infinitely more self awareness.