
Yes, this. Please io9 (and by extension all other residents in the Gawker Archipelago), don't do this. Why on Earth 616 would you abruptly pivot into this new format, after you just (finally) finished working the remaining snags out of Kinja? The layouts/menus/commenting systems/blogs were all finally starting to

I just hope their elementary school aged fans are spared watching any more live, nationally televised blow-outs.

That's incredible. Thank you for posting this.

It was painful. You have my deepest sympathies, as well as those of 99% of non-MiamiDadeCounty-America.

Now playing

Some of us choose to live in alternate universes...

Saw this in the Special Features. Willem Dafoe is very talented.

Didn't know the Biogenesis scouts were this bold.

Dead card.

They'll be either the 2.0 Nordiques or Whalers in no time!

Well... it's a start, Trestman. You've still got to teach them to not suck.

Hamilton, surprised you didn't tie this into boxing —>grip strength (in coordination with hip rotation + technique) vs pure "arm strength."


Thanks for posting this, Jack, it's always interesting to read about major brands & institutions that happen to be former-Nazi companies / founded by real, actual Nazis. I'm afraid it goes much deeper than Puma, though...

Interesting, did not know that.

*forgot about Lil Jon as well

Oh my God...

Can't take credit for that. I only knew from Deadspin's tweeting of this post.

Wow, the Backstreet Boys, look at them. They don't look a day over not-relevant.

No other comments necessary; Chara, poor bastard.

This is awesome, particularly the way it is posted. I feel unworthy to be in a comments section replying to Christy Mathewson, like Ken Burns is going to jump out of nowhere and drill me in the nuts with an 18-hour fastball.