Screens - guages - readouts - Whatever, as long as the information is useful for actual driving and clearly presented.
Screens - guages - readouts - Whatever, as long as the information is useful for actual driving and clearly presented.
Because taking it in steps isn’t the mark of a high tech dispruptor hell bent on getting to market before the rest of the herd - or before the money runs out, whichever is sooner....
Whoa! the authorities want to stop jackasses playing idiot on public roads?
Ah, Tesla Cultists.... These are the reason Tesla doesn’t have a dealer network.
Meh, who cares. The cars should have enough capacity to be driven at qualifying speeds for the full race plus 10% and get rid of the need to show capacity remaining etc.
Yep, and those big bulging rear “fenders” either side of the “tongue”.....
If the driver is wide awake and ready to take control as soon as they see something going wrong (as required for level 2 systems) - they don’t need any sort of fucking driver assist at all. So enought of the level this and that, either it can do it all or it’s useless.
Welp at least you know there’ll still be one of these grails sitting in a heated barn when the rest of the XJs have vanished in a haze of red flakes. Keep the faith.
Maybe not lottery, more just ensure each driver has to race each car once.
That could simply be too much resistance in the connections you’re using. It looks like you’re using a spare battery and jumper cables, so the connections are nothing like as good as you’d get with bolted permanent connections.
You forgot Zero cars....
Too much power for those front wheels, but still, better more than less. At that price its a NP.
This absolutely - plus the dash remains the same whilst the screen size can be varied with model and series.
You mention lane slpitting and you mention 60 mph. If you do both together you’re an idiot.
Came on here looking for Mustang Mach Oh,
I hope you changed all the oils after getting that deep in the waterhole - and go get that hardtop someone offered; you may still want to summer only drive it but at least you’ll be able to do so in the rain.
Because the car being stranded there means disruption for the other drivers as the inevitable wrecker has to park in the car park entrance to lift the car off the rock. Make the rock bigger by all means and watch the idiots if you must, I have no sympathy with those who damage their cars on the rock - but at least…
Kerbs that it’s easy to drive onto because they have a radius up from the road and a rock that slopes away from the turn so the car wheels just ride straight up it. Shitty driving for sure, but maybe the design isn’t all that clever either. Turn the rock round so the cars hit it instead of riding up it and maybe use…
Depends what you mean - people staying away because of what happened there? or people staying away because of the persistent complaints on here about what happend there?...
Amazed he didn’t clinch it about 3 races ago.