Sounds like the fault is actually in the negligence law, in that it doesn’t apparently allow for the plaintiff to recover his legal costs etc.
Sounds like the fault is actually in the negligence law, in that it doesn’t apparently allow for the plaintiff to recover his legal costs etc.
Could be management would really like to fire these thugs, but, you know, they’re union members an’ all that.....
If someone said attendances were down because there were less crashes, I’d take note, but not deaths. And there’s still plenty of crashes -
It’s a classic mini which doesn’t need a tensioner for the duplex timing chain I fitted.
No, it means he’s trying to hide it so he reduces any payout.
We have faith in our UAW leaders. A day longer, a day stronger. We’re here to fight for the middle class.
Timing belts are a wear item, just like tyres, and the manufacturers state a replacement time/mileage. Do Tesla include a requirement to replace the chip/MCU at 4 years? I don’t think so...
My FoRS disagrees.
Ah yes good old Matte Black - Fry and egg on it in summer and freeze your fingers off if you touch it in winter...
It seats five comfortably, has great storage space and offers convenient ingress and egress. - It’s a pretty good solution for the family about town car.
Without population increase/decrease numbers and miles travelled per year per person increase /decrease this data is deceptive.
Yep, this isn’t a “european” sports car, however much it feels less unwieldy. Reduce the dimensions by about 20% with that engine and you’d have something like it. The mustang should stick to the V8
Defender by name, Pretender by nature....
Jeez, what are they carrying that needs that much load splitting? Depleted uranium?
Yep, as 5 door hatchback load luggers they were fine, just uninspiring to drive. I had a 1500cc one for a few years.
It looks unballanced - square at the front like the Austin Maxi but still rounded at the back.. Can’t say I have any real liking for the clubman except as a basis for cutting off the front and fitting classic mini front end metalwork. Needless to say my mini is the classic shape....
The point of the X6 is to make the owner look
This - sharp often right angle turns, chicanes, armco, and a track just about wide enough in many places for only two cars to race and it’s no wonder they hit each other. If it’s a problem give the drivers a penalty for it, don’t blame the cars.
The show is more important than the sport?