As you say, we’ll have to agree to disagree
As you say, we’ll have to agree to disagree
I’m not saying let them rub like nascar, only that at 30 mph it wasn’t dangerous. At race speeds of course it would be dangerous. Nascar is dangerous - however much the rednecks like the crashes and mayhem.
Indeed, but a distressingly large minority can’t seem to manage even that.
I see Calcifer hiding in there....
“Cars don’t kill people. It’s the people using the cars that do.”
Yeah, but not when it screws the race up to this extent.
Hardly dangerous. Rubbing wheels at 30 mph on a racetrack? So what about Nascar - rubbin is racin at 200 mph and no one bats an eye.
That is appalling!
Suicide squad...
If the final lap had been the result of a race long battle, this would have been a fantastic race. As it was the result was the consequences of half the drivers behaving like a bunch of F3 rookies - and I’m not talking about Stroll...
Indeed. without the miles travelled per person per year you can’t make a valid comparison.
Has to bee Cee Pee for this Carrr
“SUV pretenses”
So which dealer is going to kiss bye bye to ten grand or more just so the customer gets the car quicker? Nope, they’ll all hike the price up and stuff the customer. It isn’t as if FCA will refuse to let the cars out at all so they’ll get them eventually.
They still do - it’s just that the style is aimed at wannabe truck drivers.
Sure the Aussies are getting seriously po faced as they desperately try to lose their “Throw a wallaby on the barbie, and chuck me another Fosters” image (which actually part of their charm) but this was just stupidity on the part of Gordon.
Welcome to the free market....
I do, but then I’m British....
I bet the Japanese manufacturers wish that really was the case though.
Because the fuel consumption tests aren’t in the real world?