Replacing all the airbags in a modern car every ten years would probably cost more than the car is worth. See the Japanese super MOT checkup at 6 years.
Replacing all the airbags in a modern car every ten years would probably cost more than the car is worth. See the Japanese super MOT checkup at 6 years.
Diesels pollute more in real world than on test!!!!
Company tries to screw over car owner, gets caught, gets burned. Tough.
It’s ugly because it’s a compromise. An attempt to make a big 4 seat sedan look sporty, which loses the rear headroom necessary for a comfortable 4 seats. Add 4wd and you have the X6, a three way compromise - and even sillier
For odd numbered cars only
“...the automaker says it will start getting tough on car flippers to ensure their sports cars are sold to people that will actually drive them” - straight into a heated garage for indefinite storage...
I don’t think there were any at all. If there were, the tv coverage missed them.
Oh yes - Barbie Jeep racing down from the Casino square to the waterfront.
I don’t recall seeing a single overtaking manouevre that didn’t involve one or other car getting damaged. They might as well ban overtaking completely at Monaco and let the race be decided on pit strategy.
There is no point in burnouts - it’s just pandering to the destructive instincts of the inner child.
A serious case of whataboutitis here. Look, these were modified cars specificialy being used for illegal street racing in an organised fashion. Not a couple of people having an impromptu blast off a set of lights. Crush em.
So if the “west” had gone to the aid of Ukraine and taken on Russia, NK would be more inclined to give up their nukes?
“There’s” is correct. “your” should be “you’re”
“a bunch of crickets having an orgy under its hood, which is what the Accord hybrid sounds like when in EV mode.”
Cardboard boxes from things like big tv or a fridge freezer. Flatten and lay on. store against the garage wall.
Also no wheel arches - there may be a connection...
When you slam it, don’t.....
How long before there’s a report that all the radar devices on cars are giving the pedestrians (or occupants) cancer.....
Dumb for pandering to the great god “Dragrace”.