
The local game shop here that’s withstood the test of time for the past few years and is still active as ever took this stuff to heart. They made damned sure that whenever any card booster box showed up that they completely randomized the packs. It was simple solitaire where they would take the packs out, do random

I had a feeling Ubisoft would screw this up. I am glad I waited on the Gold Edition. I will get it but when it’s fixed.

I will recommend that if anyone wants to watch a fantasized version of what Tokugawa and William went through, watch Shogun. It’s a fictional re-telling of that same story with some embellishments. The book is real great, though.

Now playing

“World championship? Wait, is that bad? I think I broke it...”

I put maybe $150 into this mobile card game called Shadowverse. It’s Hearthstone-esque but more forgiving for card releases and competition.

I am pondering the return to the game with Homestead. I got the Imperial Edition for around $20 (can you believe they charged for the Imperial race?). But for being a game that doesn’t hit you hard for enjoying content for free and giving you the option to either buy the content outright or sub to’s a good

Seriously? I could see maybe $400 being a fire-able offense. But $4? That’s definitely a reprimand. They should also have warned you that if it did happen again that you’d pay for it.

I worked at Gamestop from pre-holiday 2004 to spring 2009. In that time, I was there to watch Gamestop convert from the classic system of paper print pre-order slips and running lots of retro and PS2/Xbox/GC titles as its latest stuff to becoming PS3/360/Wii oriented. I went from Game Advisor to Senior Game Advisor to

Jeez, I remember that fight getting done by me a few times and she NEVER got a chance to fire that off...


I guess Valve’s a bit too big for The British Red Cross to pick on?

Code knocks the RGB set to $14.99, not $11.99 unless I missed something.

Code knocks the RGB set to $14.99, not $11.99 unless I missed something.

Blu-Ray has gotten quite a lot of price breaks lately. Unless you’re getting something rare or a special edition or a TV show of some kind, you can have movies under $20 easily 99% of the time.

How about the MLT?

Only enough to get the base game =P.

I got gifted a copy of Ascension with all the trimmings and enjoy it for the mobile card game that it just stinks it doesn’t get any more updates.

I backed two projects on delivered, and the other just continues to make money while it’s done piecemeal releases of the entire game with the final product not yet in sight. By the time it does come out, a 1070 FTW as I got in my rig may struggle to run it.

I imagine whatever the lightsaber cuts cauterizes and seals, so the acid blood would boil or dissipate into the air when it comes into contact with it. Unless some collateral acid blood hits that suit of his...

Eleanor of Aquitaine deserves to get more on-screen treatment. Combine Katherine Hepburn’s portrayal from The Lion in Winter with some of Diana Rigg’s Olenna Redwyne from Game of Thrones, and you could have a historical figure that would be interesting for even ME to watch.

After watching a documentary on the history of the Plantagenet family, I realize then that we could use more of this period drama on the condition we get to see REAL conflict. Tudors and the White Queen gave us some good bits in showing us the Tudorian dynasty and how that endured for its brief time, but what of the