Witcher III after long last.
Witcher III after long last.
In movie form, doing -insert some kind of event- with a personal interest of some form makes more sense.
I haven’t seen the original with the Rat Pack, but the 2001 version did establish that their target for the robbery happened to also have an involvement with Ocean’s significant other.
That 940MX is the equivalent of a low-mid tier gaming card in laptop form. The 2.5GHz i7 may also bottleneck it a bit.
I got to play her a few times. I think she’s a great support hero. Ice walls are great for temporary obstructions. Forcing an enemy to go another way real quick or to get ready for an oncoming wave...it’s good on capture point. I also think slowing/stopping foes to let your team get easy kills is great too. I don’t…
From my experience, the hook isn’t as OP as you think. It doesn’t go through walls or obstructions. Distance-wise it’s rated at a shorter distance than Mercy’s Shift ability to travel to a highlighted/healed player. And you have to be darned good with the timing as a Roadhog. Low health or weakened enemies have a high…
I did the free weekend while my $28 copy for PC was in the mail. Surprisingly, the Quick Play community has been quite great in all of my matches. There was maybe one or two players I came across in dozens that were a bit off, but the majority of the experience has been with great players.
Waiting for the GOTY edition. I am just starting Civ V here.
The only time one should build a home theater PC or a media PC is when they absolutely want to use Windows or any other OS for it.
They must have had nerves of Steel.
This is happening with our bathroom sink. Every time water runs down it, there’s a faint smell that comes back up. When the water drains, the smell is gone. Granted, we’ve fought constant battles on this drain partially clogging and it seems to have loosened up in recent memory to finally drain out quite a bit, but…
I was going to say that the trash can wasn’t at fault.
I feel like he played Trump in some elaborate, backdoor scheme and is setting himself up to become POTUS after an ‘accident’ befalls our commander in chief...and all that’s left of wrongdoing for evidence is his hair...
It’s why it wasn’t until I saw credit card listed that I doubted the legitimacy of the request they made.
That’s why I doubt the legitimacy of this claim. An instant payment of the fee by credit card? Usually, any legitimate firm pursuing damages will want to get a contract witnessed, signed, and notarized between the two parties so payments can be worked out.
It’s so worth it. It’s arguably the best of “What if dragons brought about the end times in the modern world” stories I’ve seen...and there’s so few of them.
And they ought to just print out the email, toss it in the fire, and give a Come At Me gesture.
Yup. If the guys behind Metro cared, two things:
Just be sure to research thoroughly.