
Maybe the skirt is too short? If they made it knee length, it’d have her more modest.

Honestly, I wonder why there isn’t a way for people to vote and critique skin concepts.
Blizzard forums could easily make a post with images of concept art, throw in a poll, open comments, read said comments, and make the design

Many of the Arrowverse shows have been trending down in viewers, though. I just checked some of them. Arrow is averaging around 750K, Flash around 1.2M, Legends around 1M, Supergirl around 800K, Black Lightning around 600K, and Batwoman around 1M. These are for what has aired for their most recent seasons.

2020 will

Thanks for reminding me I need to finish the new series.

PS5 was confirmed to be backwards compatible with the PS4 library, so it does have that advantage.

Whether it’s going to be a timed feature or not IS the question.

The PS3 had PS1/PS2 backwards compatibility for the first couple of years of production. Eventually, it cut out the feature to push the PS3's cost down among

I had a choice between doing a Ryzen 5 3600 and a 7 3700x for my new PC build. After using the old PC for 5 years and having to be limited to a 7 year old chip, I decided to upgrade to ensure I could get the next 5 years by without issue.

I invested in the option that would get me another 5 years of great CPU

When did you join on to XIV? Cause if Shadowbringers was any indication, they offered a special accessory to make the grind easier by 30% for combat exp. I am willing to bet they pull this again for the next expansion to try and give all the post-Shadowbringers starters a chance to get done faster.

Thank you very fucking much. I felt that Shantel VanSanten as Patty Spivot was a great thing with the Flash. Iris could have just been a proxy sister whose family supported Barry through the seasons, and Patty could have come along to be a legitimate love interest. And having a fellow cop you work with for romantic

Somehow, I feel as if Arrow managed to be the most stable out of the CW show offerings. Flash had a great season or two, but after 3, I feel like it had the potential to get worse. And I hear it did over not one, but two seasons. Legends, I did try, but it’s definitely hard to get into Legends when some of the

Batwoman premiered this year, though. So to date, it is at as much its lowest as its highest. Until the next episode airs and brings in more viewer stats to measure, we won’t know if it trends down or up.

Supergirl is definitely at its lowest. I got the figures above from Wikipedia, but it may be subject to update as

I think that there’s a bigger problem at hand. I think the CW’s just dying a slow death.

I looked up some viewer figures on a whim to see how things were now compared to the past 5 years. And the numbers are just nuts. These are from Wikipedia, mind you.

Batwoman getting 1.8 million was honestly the BEST they could have

Baby...Baby...what is this Baby?

Pete wrote The Proposal (Sandra Bullock/Ryan Reynolds comedy vehicle), Now You See Me 2, and that was it before Crazy Rich Asians.
Adele wrote for Lethal Weapon, Reign, Life on Mars, One Tree Hill, the Dynasty reboot...
In terms of writing experience, she was writing episodes since 2002, whereas he only started

I think that one of his big problems is that he made too big a world. And trying to draw too much of it in can lead to content that will make it harder to finish. Westeros has 9 different kingdoms (despite the terminology of the Seven Kingdoms, you have the Iron Islands, Dorne, and the seven MAINLAND kingdoms). And

I imagine that he is notorious for writing, editing, re-writing, re-editing, and doing it as he goes. Some will push through a first draft just to get the plot of the book done, and edit later. But I imagine he’s being careful because he had wound up with too much to tell and is trying to resolve it all.

Well, it stands to good reason now that this movie is going to hurt Disney’s profits on it financially. China is a rather big market, but how much would Hong Kong influence it?

Elvis never threw in with any political party during his career. He always stuck to performing, and left it at that. Of course, he did use his fame to help people, particularly the team of backup singers he kept (all African American, and ONE of them was Whitney Houston’s mama!). Every hotel, every venue he played at

I’ve been saying that fucking shit for years. Their big weakness is that Double Dragon and Super Mario Bros failed because they were based on video game properties. But if you watch both with the idea of “treat them as standalone movies,” you end up with a pair of “fun weird sci-fantasy movies” that really push the


I feel like the MCU ended as well as it could have. And I really don’t feel like investing into another one. How does one do better than Thanos and his universe-ending Infinity Gems plot?

That’s the thing, too. X-Men and Fantastic Four are major Marvel players, and they are taking a gamble pushing them back to 3-5 years out before getting them filmed. I am sure it will be worth the wait, but it remains to be seen if people will stick around that long.

Although, I do see the logic in WHY they are doing