
What’s your setup, first off?

I am getting myself a GTX 1070 this holiday season. So help me if they get the memory issues with it fixed by the time the holiday sales begin.

Prime has PBS, BBC, F/X, History, and old HBO shows, along with its original content.

I live at the bottom of the Northeast region (DE/PE/MD/NJ junction). I just started a new job for tech support/help desk. I like it a lot. My current schedule’s Monday thru Friday from 8am to 430pm. And the place is only 3 miles from home. The drawback is that I can bus it for about 2.5 miles, then I need a few

No PC? It isn’t enough they gave PC the finger for the first game, but I hope they don’t reciprocate this feeling for the second one. Be it same day or later than never to enjoy an expansive Western on the master console.

I have never seen it but heard accolades of it. I bought Throne of Blood, which is Akira Kurosawa’s MacBeth in Samurai Cinema gloriousness. There’s also Kagemusha/Ran, aka King Lear translated, and the Bad Sleep Well, which is a more modernized (at the time) take on Hamlet.

Some pre-order deals were pretty nice. Soundtracks, demos, artbooks...usually, it was the best for RPGs. I think the best pre-order bonus I got was a wall scroll poster for Devil May Cry 3. I still have it hanging in my room and it looks, at best, a little dusty but still it’s faded less than the paint job.

I am hoping the Gears 4 free promo holds until I get enough cash and a great price to jump on a GTX 1070 within the next few weeks.

If anything, it ought to demonstrate the strength in keeping things civil during a video game tournament of all places. If a player gets martyred for the cause and brings down his whole team, then it serves purpose. That team will never work with him again, and any team that gets formed will know his history and have

There’s lots of others I mean to do this on. Gears of War 4, for one. The Witcher titles, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Overwatch, GTAV....

Some I know off the top of my head...Vesperia, Abyss, Symphonia, and Xillia are really notable entries and worth playing. Zestiria is good but not great...Graces F was okay, but it was critical in order to get NB to consider releasing Xillia, Symphonia, Zestiria here in the States...Legendia is also out there, but

At this point, if NB hasn’t ported the better PS3 version over for PS3 in the States, even with how modestly successful many of the entries have been lately for sales...then they never will. =/ I want Lost Odyssey to get a PC port (or the 360 emulator on PC to get working enough so I can try it).

Or, for the cost of a decently sized fast food meal, you can own one of the finest JRPGs to have graced the 2000s.

I knew I forgot to watch something. Now I need to see this.

In going through that list, my rig is close to recommended on CPU (8320 OC’d to 4.0 GHz on a Corsair H60 cooler), Ideal on RAM (24GB DDR3 at 1600 MHz clock), Recommended on HDD (my SSD change comes this holiday, so it’ll go up to Ideal), and...not even Minimum on my video card (pair of 660 TIs). I was tempted by an

Sounds like what a friend of mine went through, except his dad got into a car accident too (rear ended hard) some time later. When he was in the E.R., a nurse tried to give him some pain meds. He refused right then. When she insisted, he countered that his head was going to feel a whole lot worse if he accepted having

Now, it isn’t so bad. The good thing about cell phone batteries, especially ones in hard to service smartphones (like the HTC One M8 I am still using), is that their design allows them to fully charge to where they need to be and then let the excess bleed off.

One thing I do have to recommend to those who work in a place that offers Wi-Fi access for employee use. Only connect and disconnect to it when you have to, or your battery charge for the day will drop quick.

Trust. Cats tend to become creatures of habit, according to a vet friend of mine. If you come across a stray kitten you wanna help, bring them food. It won’t happen immediately, though. You have to build up trust. Usually, a couple of days of feedings that are regular enough will eventually get them to take notice of