
I don’t struggle to believe that at all, I was there and saw a lot of it first hand. But I also know how these things work. There are many legitimate stories out there, but that one is bullshit. The other one you brought up is 100% correct, though not really surprising as women during World War II took over nearly

Different issue, OP was talking about marines and all females, the 617th was coed and nasty girls, with no reports of the males ditching, so it doesn’t fit. The story I was talking about though was a crew of marine females who were checkpoint examiners for women coming in. They got blown up on the way back from the

No just any reference to that at all was all I was asking for. It really does sound like a great story but I can’t find anything at all on it.

Did your professor have access to classified information that no one else did? As far as I know, this is complete bullshit. There was a group of women who got blown up on their way to traffic checkpoints, but they did no fighting, just got hit by a car bomb. If you have info on this I would like it, sounds like a

This was the reason? I always thought it was just because there weren’t women in anything close to the portrayed roles at the time.

No, they stay on the field to take their dumps thank you.

They would have to schedule byes according to Thursday night games, as opposed to the other way around. Or cancel the rotating divisional matchups and randomize everything. And then you would still have the first and last three weeks where no one has a bye.

Per the pictures above, the candies aren’t ever going to change.

I don’t care about either team, and while I agree with the guy above you that it’s a slippery slope not to call it everytime, It LOOKS like Bradford’s throw sucked without actual contact and getting a replay of it may have changed, but I have about as much faith in him making a play as I do in Blair Walsh making an

Well, gee, I guess since I can respond to a few different posts, I can read right? But you like others are missing the point. The hangover is more of the same that got us here in the first place. People with their heads so far up MSNBC’s ass that they can’t see what’s right in front of them. And instead of coming up

While I understand your argument, it doesn’t really apply to cheaters. They are doing that specifically because they aren’t happy with any way to play the game. There’s no excuse for just being lazy. Please note for context I am talking about actually hacking/modding of the game. If you wanna put in the time for 100

More importantly, where’s the story about Ditto being live? Did I miss it?

They need to do legendaries before Gen2, but why expect things to be done in a good way at this point.

But she never really talked about it did she? Yes she had a plan(a much better one), but just like everyone else, when it came down to it, she went after the man’s character, not policy. So people who thought she was full of shit were left to seek out her info, which again, they thought was full of shit. Also, a quick

No you didn’t ignore them, you pushed them farther down the hole. Listen, this is going nowhere because you are either still too hurt or just too dense. You are obviously reasonably intelligent, so don’t take it that way, but here’s where I’m at with this. I refuse to believe he got that many votes because of racism.

You are also claiming there are 53 million of them. A blanket intolerant statement about people who are different than you, whether physically or ideologically, is the definition of bigotry. I never said cater to them. I said find the ones that voted for him for issues that were misguided and talk to them. But first

Good god, I get that people are upset, but that isn’t the point. That wasn’t the point of Jost’s joke either. I keep hoping this election hangover thing will go away, but I assume the commentariat here may never be any different. Unless you are suggesting the KKK secretly has membership 100,000 times higher than even

Not my point. If you had taken some time to actually talk to folks instead of just calling them racist, maybe the election would have gone differently. But now we have this and people like you being bigots. This isn’t going to help anything, especially considering who actually voted for the guy. A lot of those(the

Well you did slightly better than the OP on this one, but that still is pretty much exactly Jost’s point here. You don’t gain votes by just calling everyone a racist who voted for Trump. You gain them by talking the issues with the people who aren’t racist but think he will take better care of their particular issue.

You realize that is exactly the point that Jost is making right? That also is plain and simple bigotry. Did you also do this during the campaign? Because ‘You’re a racist,’ as a response to someone saying they think Trump will provide more jobs probably didn’t help win any votes.