Dude was pissing in public outside a Denny’s. That’s more than enough.
Dude was pissing in public outside a Denny’s. That’s more than enough.
That’s how I keep my clash of clans going even now that it is more like a hate habit.
The tickets cost more. And there’s more side items people can buy to bring even more profit.
Alternate translation: How did they trust poor brown people to do that, and can we make it legal for me to do the same?
I’m sorry, but exactly which backups are you talking about? Most of them are maybe getting like 2-3 mill a year max.
You’re right, except that he didn’t also use a fun modifier such as ‘all’ or ‘every’ in front of men. Don’t be an arrogant shithead. No one ever wins the grammar game and whether you specifically used it or not, you know damn well how common it was even for younger than that demographic. The proof comes from dumb…
Actually it’s 8, 9 if you count Payton playing for the bears during the 87 strike. But the point you missed was ‘at the collegiate level or higher.’ Which means only 3 current coaches don’t qualify. The college thing is important considering how much bias goes on in the coaching tree for people who at one point worked…
This is the first year I have truly hoped it sticks it hard. Thank you for posting my thought before I could.
I liked that time when he retired and people could only wet themselves over him once a year. I mean seriously, MLB wants him to be their icon, but he doesn’t have the personality so they can only properly work that angle after he retires.
No, the step back was 3 years ago when they made the Cutler deal. This is trying to dig out any way possible.
It was considered to be a discriminatory practice. The accuracy of polygraphs has nothing to do with it. Law enforcement, every government agency and certain private sector jobs are still allowed, and still do, use them before employment.
You do understand that Normandy was the only ‘beach’ with heavy fighting right? The other four(pointe du hoc was literally a drop off straight into cliff climbing for rangers, so actually three) were pretty much literal drop offs, with secure defensive positions being offshore.
So you want the war, but without the actual war? Any campaign you pick from WW2 is going to be brutal. Most even worse than this.
It maybe shouldn’t, but it has before. People get called out for that and in this one-run game that makes a bit of difference. In other words, I get why it’s a full-scale investigation.
None of these are epic, which is an exception to the never let go of your beer rule.
Dude, I’m still waiting for them to completely fix server issues on R6 Siege. There are times where I feel like Ubi basically forgets their games about 6 hours before release.
It’s fine the entire premise of this article is crap. The Koch brothers threatening reelection funding is what stopped the bill, not phone calls. And the idea that this will lead to war is ridiculously tenuous at best.
So, words are equal to fists? So you are not strong enough to handle mean words? So you are not mentally on equal footing? Either be slightly more detailed in your implications or don’t make them at all.
Bitch is the whiny version of asshole in my book.
Wait is it thot or bitch that’s a slur now. Is bitch only a slur when used toward women? I’m going with bitch here cuz when he said it she literally was that ho over there, so that’s just accurate.