
One, and an intro for cyrus. But that also could be her fault as much as theirs.

So now the people who were just concerned about jobs are racist too?

To some, the appearance that the democrats have provided in the past few years is exactly that. No concern whatsoever for anything other than equality. This site and election rhetoric have provided a case in point. The writers and commenters here call racism before even thinking about discussing the issues, as did

Eh, that might actually be a successful social security plan at this point.


Thank you for putting my point in layman’s terms.

I think the switch back(in time) is what really gets me. It requires a slightly different type of talent than just the twitch stuff. Those guys are still good, but finesse can compete to. Now if I could just find something resembling that, I’d be fine.

I feel like this maybe won’t fit in here, but you did ask, so I will answer. Battlefield 1. Completely hooked even though I suck.

You need this for your user image.

Why is it that of all the things we could attempt to accomplish via Harry Potter inspiration, shitty jelly bean flavors is the only one that actually was attempted?

Well the one from Richard Fromage is obviously a fake, because if there was a person alive who actually had that name, he would be my friend, and currently he is not. So you’re down to 1,041,190.

Are you completely ignoring last year, or did you wipe it from your memory since it didn’t include michigan or ohio state? BTW, not supporting the SEC, just saying I highly doubt the Big Ten is going to rip off 7 in a row or get 8 of the next 11.

*That star should say ‘some of these things have been proven to be bullshit as quickly as they were produced.’

Until something is actually done, which at best is still four months down the road, they can.

Sort of, it means they might have enough to make it stick.

Do you know this was meant to be a poem?

You aren’t wrong, but at the same time, you are trying to force a game into the same box as a cd or movie. While these come from the same disc, they cannot ever realistically find a way to match the other’s tone. A shooter with no multiplayer would likely not be anything close to financially successful(maybe via

I don’t know battlefield, haven’t played since 1942, but the call of duties have game modes for that already. From what I’ve seen of playing them, all it does is increase the rage factor for a lot of folks.

Also they already started

So they will be Boston west?