
“I called you to help me but you killed my brother.”

I think she is a person who is famous and supposed to do things like tweets and Instagram, but is also a giant dork.

Was she confusing Rosie O’Donnell and Bette Midler? I must be on the wrong site, because NO ONE I would listen to would make that egregious of a mistake.

I just watched Moonstruck two nights ago coincidentally.

The guys an idiot, what adult says things like


See what happened there?

How can Trump make America white again when he can’t even stop Machado from becoming a citizen and voting against him? What a fat loser he is!

I’m 100% sure Kellyanne Conway did her level best to drill into his head how devastating the misogyny is (those ads are killing him), but it just didn’t register. He doesn’t seem to understand that it’s a problem for women, who are more than half of voters, as well as thinking men, or those with daughters and

Or like, just say you have allergies. But I guess he probably thinks that’s only something loser weaklings have, just like sleep is only for the weak.

It’s also gaslighting extraordinaire- regardless of the cause, we all heard and saw him sniffling.

Am I the only one really confused by this vehement denial that he had “the sniffles”?! I mean, sorry dude, the whole world watched you twitch and sniffle--bad mic (?) or not, it wasn’t manufacturing the sound AND FACIAL MOVEMENT of man sniffling.

But trump is a business man, who makes everything in America....

Fact check, don’t spout that old canard because you won’t inform yourself.

That’s insane. He’s not on coke he’s on prescription amphetamines. The best amphetimines. Tremendous amphetimines. Yugh amphetimines

I just read a report earlier that said Ford is already planning to dig tunnels under the wall to get those cars out of Mexico. That way, they’ll avoid paying that tax because they are smart.

How bad is it for Trump tonight? Here is a tweet from arch-conservative message maker Frank Luntz’s focus group:

I love you, Adele, I really do. Your music beautifully describes the complexities of human relationships and the range of emotions. You deserve every award you’ve earned for all your hard work and efforts.

Welcome to my world

Right? I’ve been around for at least five years-long before Kinja, when they would grant you with the coveted gold star. I would try to contribute in the form of thoughtful responses, but I’ve pretty much stopped. I feel like an unheard outsider around a group of “mean girls” or some such high school clique. So, now I