
And of course, this was invented during the Chump administration.

And you deserve ALL the stars for that post! I watched that documentary last night & dude was an embarrassment to himself & Blackfolks everywhere.

The Intelligence community & the military are definitely NOT behind Dump. He just gave the finger to the Director of National Intelligence AND the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (!) in favor of putting his yes-man Bannon & his son-in-law Kushner on the National Security Council. The espionage titans & the chiefs of the

I know I’m mad late to the party, but THIS!^!^!^!^!^!^! deserves ALL The Stars In The Firmament!!! Don’t have an abortion if you think it’s immoral, but these fanatics need to stop pretending they have the right to overturn the law that says every female gets to decide for herself what to do about her pregnancy. And

I have been drinking to forget nearly every night since the election. My liver & i have decided I must stop on Jan.20 after the inauguration, when all hope will be lost. (But a dose of milk thistle before imbibing helps protect the liver. I had bloodwork done a couple of weeks ago & despite the boozing, my lab values

That is the most romantic proposal story EVER! Like Hollywood rom-com romantic, but even better because it actually happened to some lucky woman in real life. It made me smile just reading it. :) Thank you for restoring my faith in the male sex.

Back in the day, my ob-gyn in college would give you 6 mos. worth of b.c. pills after she finished the exam, so I never had to deal with a pharmacy. UHS paid for all of it. But she insisted that her patients on The Pill or an IUD come in every 6 mos. for an exam. She also screened for pregnancy & STDs whether you

One of the side effects of oral contraceptives is that if you’re too irresponsible to take the pill everyday, it stops working & you can end up pregnant. That required office visit & exam by your ob-gyn in order to get your refills can make the difference between finding out you’re knocked up at 8 wks. (yes, a doctor

And this is only Week 1 in Trumpland.

Welcome to Trumpland. Mocking the wanton execution of Black people by rogue cops is about to replace baseball as the national pastime.

Of all the op-ed pieces I’ve read today, this was the best, esp. this very incisive bit:

The editing is important because that’s when the director teases out the best bits from the performance & arranges them so they play like a seamless live show when you see the filmed version. But it takes great direction to make sure you’ve captured all the best moments, multiple angles, cutaways to reaction shots of

Oh, they meant just the way you took it — “Ooh look, the Black guy is making more from this deal than any of the White A-list comics have been paid!”

It was basically a draw. Hillary worked hard to score policy wonk points, but that wasn’t what this deabte called for. She should have gone for the jugular on pussygate when she had the chance, but she let him off too easily. When Dump said if he were president, she’d be in jail, she could’ve pointed out to his

Hillary really has been a tad obnoxious about running over her time limit. She should interrupt Dump when he’s lying but respect the clock otherwise.

WTF — does Dump even know what century he’s in? MacArthur & Patton never had to fight guerilla wars against non-state actors or deal with terrorists. Dump’s mixing apples with oranges just to play to old White men. AND DUMP IS TIMING HILLARY’S ANSWERS LIKE THIS IS THE SCRIPPS HOWARD SPELLING BEE!

Yasss, she did call him a millionaire! And from the very informative post about WeiserMazars, Dump gets his taxes done by a firm that handles people worth considerably less than a billion dollars.

No, it’s that expensive blow. “The best blow in the world. I only have the best blow. Lots of people say so.” And why does’t Hillary go in on his tax plan!? Dump wants to cut out the carried interest deductiom but why? Becuz he’s jealous of the hedge fund billionaires who get to claim that deduction. Real estate

And the moderators need to put him in check & tell him Stop Interrupting, or cut off his mic once his time runs out & he’s still yammering! Jeesh, why isn’t Anderson standing up to Dump? Why don’t the moderators call him out when he starts repeating his bs talking points & question him? Ask how he can claim he’ll

No, Billy Bush ain’t that bright. He’s spent a decade trying to get hired on a legit daytime news show & now that he’s finally made it, they’re about to yank his ass. NBC announced he’s been suspended from the TODAY show until further notice. Translation: “Don’t go out in public & we’ll announce your resignation once