
“Pianist Daryl Davis estimates that since the early ‘90s, he’s collected around 25 robes that were worn by Klansmen, each representative of a mind he’s changed and a life he’s converted to anti-racism

I know I’m mad late to the party, but THIS!^!^!^!^!^!^! deserves ALL The Stars In The Firmament!!! Don’t have an abortion if you think it’s immoral, but these fanatics need to stop pretending they have the right to overturn the law that says every female gets to decide for herself what to do about her pregnancy. And

The whole concept of a board of directors needs to be challenged. These boards are supposed to provide oversight & have authority to question managerial decisions, but in practice simply take about 10-15 days per year to read some lies in a powerpoint presentation about the company that pays them, then attend a couple

Mayonnaise on everything and subjugating brown people.

What I think of when I think of “white people” and “culture.”

Yeah, too bad the Republican controlled Congress will actually be the ones in charge of writing and passing any legislation. Also too bad Trump has a brain like a wind sock and a spine like a noodle. He may huff and puff a bit, but he’ll wind up signing whatever Pence & Co. puts in front of him, because they’ve got

Waiting on how long it is before he tries to scoop some gold out of Fort Knox to make a statue of himself for the White House front lawn.

Take Jill Stein out of the equation, Hillary takes Michigan and Wisconsin but still loses. This is on:

To be fair, both Schumer and Trump love saying “pussy.”

She was in Tampa, blond, white, and has appeared in movies that appeal to middle America. The audience probably didn’t even know she was a democrat.

I came here to say that, basically. Do you think they’re googling her political views? No, they like to see her talk about sex.

Right? Not a Schumer fan, but these people are being whiny and want to make a scene.

Considering she steals jokes much like Melania steals convention speeches, not surprising.

Now playing

Really? She makes racist jokes all the time and she looks like a cornfed white chick from the Midwest (even though she’s not). Seems right up their alley.

When Stern runs for president?

When are we going to start getting angry at Howard Stern for all his shitbag misogynistic remarks?

I guess I’m an ass, but I don’t have a lot of sympathy for this kind of attention-seeking. He’s courting. He claims to be undecided, then he claims to be “more” undecided. He’s not politically moderate in any thoughtful or rational way. He just wants people to look at him. He offers autographs while wearing a shirt

He volunteered to go on tv as an undecided voter in possibly the nastiest and most obvious presidential election in modern history. I’m having a really hard time mustering sympathy for him.

For real. If Rock isn’t A-list, then there is no A-list. He’s up there in the pantheon with Pryor and Carlin at this point.

The only thing anyone is saying is that George HW Bush said something racist when he referred to his grandchildren as “the little brown ones.” You are acting crazy and trying desperately to make this about you so you can be offended at the whole world. No one knows or cares about your family, and no one here cares